I'm back and alive from work...

Hiho it was my 2nd day of temp-job @ pepsi factory...
Had to lift overall 19 tonns. Hundreds of packs 13 kilos each. Woke up @ 4.30 am, 12h shift. Back @home @ 8 pm. I have eaten 6 sandwichez and now I'm bloody starvin'. It's half past 10 and the only thing I fell is pain. Fucking pain. All in all this day was fucked up. Tommorow 3rd day in hell. Cya, gn8 I hope that I'll survive.
e.o. this useless journal. thx for reading.
you offically are the asshole of the firm :D
Sounds like a nice job.
fuck you cheater!
EDIT Lol only cheaterfake :0)
how much did you earn?
Today 107 zl. Comparing Polish realities to West European I can say that you would earn 100eu.
oh, i got a job@agel co. i do 2 phonecalls/day, 3 meetin/week, thats 250euro/month
@ next year it'll boost up to 500-1000 euro/month
tsss i've to work to in a factory; already had to start at 6am, have already worked at night from 21:40 till 6:20 hard work so your not the only one:)
but it pays good; 3 times working at night and i got 420 euro:)
u work in nl ?
No wai. Poland actually. Had a plan to work in uk, but my parents with their very own plans demolished my hollidays.
poor you :(

You can really see that we are talking about a Polish worker :D
Working fore 2 euro of more ? Come in holland plz :D
dude show some respect to the man, you couldnt even lift 1 of those packs; he did 100 of them.
and your point is?
bring some cheapass pepsi for me next time.
Already tried unofficial yet Pepsi Summer Chill. Apple taste :)
sounds realy nice!
atleast you can say:

at least u wont have a problem to fall asleep
I wish you lots of strength and gl mate
next time I drink a Pepsi, I will remember your pain... and laugh. Of course nobody near me would understand why, but next time you see a handsome man drinking a pepsi and laughing you will know its me :o
lol i ahve bad day 2 :( i turn on the computer in the morning, BANG!, cpu is burned
i said nice. later, i went to trip on bike with friends, and like 15km from my house, bang, bike is broken
i went home and tried to turn on my old laptop (lolz 500mhz cpu, 256 ram xD), but it was craped too! omfg send me a sad panda plz :(
And how are u posting here?
from brothers laptop :P
I'm gonna get employed by mcdonalds in a week or so, thanks for cheering me up.
good man Wojtek, you're a inspiration to me as i continue to search for work
:< wojtek
how much days you have to work at all? :)
:> good luck
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