Question #27

Hi, I was wondering what one would call the kind of music which one would find in the movie Enemy at the Gates. Now, I do not care about the general movie music but more on the Russian folk(?). Can any1 help me with this?

20 clue, the movie rox though

hoi :>
yeah sup m8? My last day of vacation, need to work again tomorrow :( Watching Fahrenheit 9/11 atm, boy did they got fooled...nub americans
Did I miss question 1-26? Search some movie forums and you'll find what you are looking for
One can say that one is searching for the one that made the music, powered by the one that was also supplied to the one from EATG, but one cannot ask one about music to be released from the one that supplied one to the one that is searching for the music, right?
You are mistaken, I have not yet received any music of this order. I would, however, like to ofcourse.
You would but then again you wouldn't because one could, in theory, ask one for a fee for the delivery of one's treasure to the one that had demanded the treasure to be brought to. Therefore, one can say that one who's called one to be mistaken to be mistaken himself. Am I right or am I right?
There is nothing left for me to say but that you seem to be right, this time.
Before you replied to me, you forgot one thing boy... I'm e-Captain JS.

And I remember being right more than one time, so if you please...
Ofcourse I know you are my captain, captain, as no other creature known to man dares or even thinks of speaking in the way you have done so many times before..
I must be great... I've managed to change the subject from this nonpirate-movie to my own!
By the way, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you so I beg you to remain my sidekick for a 100 years... and another 100 years! I know it's an unrefusable offer!
we have an accord. me goes below decks now
Haven't seen this film but looks like one of the worst ever.
agree. One form the best
You would call it a "soundtrack" :P
it's just the general soundtrack
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