ETQW respawn

Is there a possibility to turn off the 'never-ever-miss-your-spawn' stuff? I have played the game +24h and never ever missed my spawn ... Is it a bug or a feature?

Also whats up with respawn times of 14 seconds and teams always spawning at the exact same time? Is this as intented or is this another feature that still needs to be 'tweaked'?
ask Locki
ask someone =O
I think it should be instant respawn without weapons, we could strategically place them on the map for people to pick up. We could add some other kinky stuff like Quad Damage and the likes. I'm still missing rocket jumps as well.
<3 shaft, only thing i like about the game
You are so right, we can't even call it a real game without a proper dose of Shaft.

image: Shaft_Movie
If it's on 19, (restarting again) It will spawn you anyway. Other than that I think you can miss it.
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