i got 99 problems and a bitch aint 1 lol? :D

wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf?????????????????????????????????????
mmmm.. what?
ive no idea what u just said and texte is too long so pls give us a short summary or smth :l
its lolage tackle man :D
this is a girl i gotta put up with almost everyweekend because her best friend is my best friends girl friend so she drinks with us all and trust me you dont wanna be in my shoes at these times cos its fuckin annoying!
sooo chav ^^
listen mate dont judge anyone you have never met because you havnt got a clue!
"r u guna let people tell u its rong bein wit me and that"

Im not judging anyone, I just think its funny that some people spell words this way :D
if you put that into a pronouncing perspective, people do speak that way around here an no its not chav its the way they have been brought up. i suppose you have a rich mother and father? who care for you i respect that.
omg listen, Im talking about spelling here, not pronounciation, Im just saying TO ME it looks funny spelling words this way.
random teen angst
Just put it in the butt(PIITB), that should shut her up :DDD
Please ban this useless nolifer.
talking 'bout yourself or what?
Nope about that useless writer of this forum topic.
it aint a bad story, pls shut up :D And indeed i cant believe i read that stuff, liked it tho
nce bein able to tlk n all
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