OMG Limbonic has been busted in rl

Yesterday, there was a lil meeting of oldschool players in vienna. Our lineup was: Vi3cH, arTis, Mig, Limbonic, and me.

At 9pm we arrived our location and we started to order beer. So of course we discuss about different things and everything was ok till Vi3cH told us that beAsty isn't a cheater. At this point Limbonic wasn't aggressive or smth like that but after Vi3cH had to go we still discuss about that and one of us said "mhm maybe it's true and he is really no cheater". Then suddenly Limbonic stand up and his first reaction was "OMG DON'T BELIEVE THIS BS" we just thought "haha ok nice joke Limbonic and now calm down pls". But for him it wasn't a joke because after we said this to him he just smashed down one table. Then one security guy came to us and he asked Limbonic "wtf are u doing?" the answer of Limbonic was "omg they believe this BS that beAsty isn't a cheater!". So the next action of the security guy was to kick Limbonic out of this really n1 location. Ok the security guy thought maybe "nP 4me" but he doesn't know Limbonic (a really strong guy from Tyrol!)! So as the security guy tried to kick him out he just got owned by Limbonic with a hit in his face. So we saw the fight Limbonic vs security guy, we can't say who won because after maybe 5min the police said hi@all. The police guys took Limbonic away from the security guy(he was really hard owned dunno if he is at the hospital now). We just told the police that Limbonic is a nice guy and he had 5 beer so pls don't bust him. Of course the police had to bust Limbonic! Well, till to the moment I can't say if he is still at the policestation but I guess he is because if I call him there is no reaction :<

sry4english but I'm still shocked!

n1 Limbonic!
image: 4976_xfire_new doesnt look like the next mike tyson 2 me !1
orly? if you're man enough say that right in his face:
image: paulchristof2mt5
but the security did...
this was an anabolicajunky
Nice move asking not to bust him :P

not again!

i told u not to bust all that lowskilled vienna guys! you're not at home back in O TOWN MAN!
limbo owns D;
lololololol :D beasty sent limbo jail!!!
cheaters always win :D
hehe Nice limbo! Fuck these bastards!
passionate about gaming..
Nice read. We all hope he's fine at the moment
5 Beers lol what a noob :>
believe me that have been more than 5 beers
lol nice :D

why he dont ass kicked the police guys too :D
i didnt know that alll

i wish i would have stayed longer
thats because of all that sun outside
Vi3cH oldschool?
i loled.
ofc but never went higher than nap :D
rofl u mad+
limbo <3
i lolled :D gl limbo
What kind of crappy security you have in Austria?
Where I live, they don't ask questions, but knock you out when they think you're trouble :o
1 day without pc and you get such things ..
impressive drinking skills.
so regelt man das halt in tirol!
nice punchin down security guys, who were at the gym for 2 years and think they are ze pwn. :DDD
BAM !^^
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