Just been haxed

I was studying (i have last exam tomorrow!) when i felt the irresistible will to turn on my pc and to do something... so i decided to hurt my computer and to let it be hacked. So i went to a fake porn site and downloaded a fake codec to watch a fake video..
When i installed the fake codec my desktop was like this:

So i said: yeah! Now i can study!
But nothing .-. in 2minutes i solved the hack with spybot + windows recovering of old data
:( i'm a sad kangaroo now help me to study hacking this fucking computer
im trying it myself for 2 years now, no succes:(
pm hype @ #ovs-gaming
cant u just unplug your pc? :~<
cut the power cord :D
unplug pc + give the cable to your parents xD
just need magnets and pu it into your pc-tower and on your HD xD
send your mobo+cpu+gfx n stuff to me
Sonic rox!
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