wanna win 3 BNC's?

I need someone that is very good with javascript / finding exploits in RPG games. (this kind of click games you know, crime games).
Preferable dutch couse the site is dutch but english is welcome to.
Price: 3 bnc's .
Think you can handle it?
pmme on irc @ #most-hated or /q rY`altrnt
;as d;AS:D
who need 3 bnc´s? :o
dunno, they can give them away to their e-friends!!!
why they wouldnt give them to their irl friends? :ASD
couse they allready have one..
hoi maarten dick!
give 1 to me and 2 to that prohacker oknp? :::)
omg self bust !

Depends on waht site
pmme at irc
altrnt, i'm one of your best internetz friends, pls gimme 1

in love, slifer <3
Price: 3 bnc's .

so we need to pay you 3 BNC's to do that?
no offence but i wont be sure of my q-auth while using a bnc from u

+ is exploiting legal ?
why is that + ofc its legal omg -_-
exploiting isn´t legal.
its legal to find the bug and write the exploit. but its not legal to execute that exploit. and hard to know if the exploits works if u cant test it , right?

@edit: ofc its legal if it is your own site.
exploits are bugs in someone else his site, so its HIS mistake its possible, you dont need to pay anything at the site what so ever, its not illegal.
kay so wait i will go to exploit now every webspell-clansite and destroy their page.. cause its legal..
Its 100% not legal to exploit and site which isnt yours because u get admin-rights but u aren´t authorized to get them
wassnt talking about admin rights, im talking about exploits in a very little way, please call the cops!
exploiting is only usefull if u can get admin right / cookies / md5 hashes / db-backup / or dmg the site

so its not legal. and if u exploit a big site without proxy they will call the cops 4 sure :X
call the care cops please!
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