Any BF2 players here?
9 Jul 2007, 01:31
im thinking of buying the game... are there any players here?
the game worth the money?
the game worth the money?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
But make sure you buy Special Forces too (or play it on your buddys computer with your own account) cause unless you wont be able to unlock the other 7 weapons, it shouldnt cost much and besides the unlocks its a good expansion pack :P
and also its just sooooooooooooo much better than some crappy et:QW
fun for a couple of hours each week maybe
weapon unlocks are stupid and the expansion is a rip off
i cant seem to think of any other better same type game, you get tons of nice moments with the game and theres so many options how to play it.
but let the man decide whether he buys it or not :o)
and i find this one suitable
I don't even install it since i formated...