et qw key event

i have one etqw beta key and i think that this game sucks hard, but if some1 want key i can give it to him/her.
but u must pass my uber-skilled event.
who is owner of this cfg:
here is screen:

1st person that write correct answer in comment (not on pm) has a key.
izi? izi. gl
is it unknown player's config?

but i'll say potter's, no clue who's it might be
Loekino :O ?
you have to say yes or no for every1 who try
i know i know its you !!!! verso :D
i know its fear of plank planet !!!!!
i know its you i checked it out @ yawn :D
some1 from gosu ofcourse
ye so i made a right awnser :D
its mArt ?
nOOn´s ?
tosspot tala raza ronner foonr rfki
he is using my cfg ;o
pumus cfg
omg ugly :<<<
pumu, infect and sheep are wrong
edit: tuz0 too ;d
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