tugz's lovelife

pG|KiL|3rBoY: tugz got guid spoofed
pG|KiL|3rBoY: lol
pG|KiL|3rBoY: irl
minttu: voice spoofed in my opinnion
pG|KiL|3rBoY: lolol
minttu: imo/emo
pG|KiL|3rBoY: lol
minttu: cow
minttu: whats his problem
pG|KiL|3rBoY: :/
minttu: did his boyfriend leave him or smth?
pG|KiL|3rBoY: his gf l
pG|KiL|3rBoY: lolol
pG|KiL|3rBoY: he couldnt cum
pG|KiL|3rBoY: rofl
minttu: he fucked his gf and he couldnt cum?
pG|KiL|3rBoY: yeah xD
minttu: but did she have a orgasm?
minttu: an
pG|KiL|3rBoY: yes
minttu: wel whats the problem?
minttu: why didnt he let her blowjob then?
pG|KiL|3rBoY: lol
pG|KiL|3rBoY: she left him
pG|KiL|3rBoY: she said ur gay
minttu: really???
pG|KiL|3rBoY: yes
pG|KiL|3rBoY: :p
minttu: thats a retarded girl
pG|KiL|3rBoY: xD
minttu: o your jokign?
pG|KiL|3rBoY: yes
pG|KiL|3rBoY: lol
minttu: fuck u
minttu: ill fuck ur mother

have fun
jep 2 guys and him, hope he gets his cum
she's like 15?
logs: ban
are u like 15?
if u havent noticed yet it was a joke

<3 ;]
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