Happy Birthday to:

press the Members button at the top right of the screen, and you will se all the HB ppl @ crossfire :o

so HB to all of them :~D

EDIT: haha @ online button:

olBaa Checking out uniX :~>
Happy Birthday to: heades, koek, Mikkolo, Paraceoh, lona, BrCh, SPU9, insje, fanat1c, powwah, bon-, rep, smokeweedeveryday, Sefyu, wArm, Ins0mnia, SiRoW, MySelfET, Dezire, Dino, Wrobel, clericozZzor, insji, dizzje, cod_
hb wrobel
your smiley is old :~<

use mine :~D
you're retarded... lately you wanted us to NOT use it. make up your mind son...
you are the retard my friend...ever heard about the word cynicism/sarcasm :~<
yes, and that makes me retarded? naiz
yes, cuz you throw accusation and were wrong :~<
also u curse so...
Quote you are the retard my friend

and that isn't cursing? + I can remember a conversation with vessar where you kinda cursed enough, so stop talking about my "cursing-skills" and stop cursing yourself

and since when is my accusation wrong? My memory is O.K. and you made that journal once. nP4me brainz
u forgot that u curse first, I wont let you do that so i "curse" back :~>
allso the same with vesseR, look im not a lifeless who start cursing ppl that i dont even know just cuz im behinde screen...

and your accusation is wrong cuz what i said was pure sarcasm, but u decide to ignore that part...
even IRL I would curse in your face... I don't even like you when you're behind a computer screen >_<

+ you're talking trash now ... first you want us not to use it, but suddenly you want it. You're just being a weird jew :~S
why the fuck should I care if ppl use a fucking smiley?!

omg you are a ben zona :~<

and you still didnt understand that it was sarcasm :~<
I know I'm a ben zona and you made a WHOLE JOURNAL for us, to tell us you didn't want us to use it anymore.... :~\
I dont want peoples to play on my computers, only few friends that i trust.
That's what he ment, you fucking retard
leave it :~<

haha ryita ma sheo rasham XD
Happy Birthday to: heades, koek, Mikkolo, Paraceoh, lona, BrCh, SPU9, insje, fanat1c, powwah, bon-, rep, smokeweedeveryday, Sefyu, wArm, Ins0mnia, SiRoW, MySelfET, Dezire, Dino, Wrobel, clericozZzor, insji, dizzje, cod_
Happy Birthday to: heades, koek, Mikkolo, Paraceoh, lona, BrCh, SPU9, insje, fanat1c, powwah, bon-, rep, smokeweedeveryday, Sefyu, wArm, Ins0mnia, SiRoW, MySelfET, Dezire, Dino, Wrobel, clericozZzor, insji, dizzje, cod_
Happy Birthday to: heades, koek, Mikkolo, Paraceoh, lona, BrCh, SPU9, insje, fanat1c, powwah, bon-, rep, smokeweedeveryday, Sefyu, wArm, Ins0mnia, SiRoW, MySelfET, Dezire, Dino, Wrobel, clericozZzor, insji, dizzje, cod_ + Gnomie
No fucking shit :!OOOOOOOOOOOO
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