another mushroom @ thursday

me and meh friend image: shrek-shrek-2-friends-forever-shrek-und-esel-3700871

gonna taste some fresh mushies image: mushroom-use,

and then we gonna watch some porn image: small_malesexorgans

for 2 hours with acoustic guitar and drums, thats gonna beh teh feeling... image: Crazy%20Dance%202b

maby we'll turn on some goa & rave for 1 hour image: TN_goa

then its time to go out to the streets and to the river, maby we'll sleep there image: tokyo-homeless-IMG_0019

and maby we'll have dreamz with bunch of strange thingZ!!!!

wish me gl

image: mug.weird
more porn pics plz
Dont get a bad trip!
Download this song 1200 micrograms - LSD
we gonna eat lsd @ next thursday, so no lsd songs untill TAHT
oO watch out with such psychedelic drugs
summer is for parties & love!
yes plz more pics
np: Infected Mushroom - Deeply Disturbed
and im deeply unhappy :(
want to bet. U are going to be banned for 1 week. GL!
junkie XL - mushroom <3
junkie xl - zerotonine > *
lol, bye bye :D
Still Ubermeister in making useless journals!
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