My point of view

Hello guys...
I just wanted to use this journal to explain why i am still supporting the everhated Austria be4sty.

I just thought a little bit about all those things and here is the result...

Basically i dont actl like this because be4sty is my biggest buddy or just because he also is from vienna or personal reasons...

In my opinion (and i am sure that many of u think the same) is this community already fucked up and the feeling of friendship and acting in a friendly helpful way is already gone. I dont wanna talk about the reasons for that, or why and what and blabla.... that would take another journal.

Withouth focusing on doing that i just try working against this...
All that hatefull stuff that be4sty would just be another hacker just because he was low, and because this community has been flooded by hackers not long ago is personally for me the wrong thing if there is not proof behind it....
sure i hate those guys that get rly busted by that system and there are pbss and stuff... but only hate and some shit some years ago without any proof is no reason for me to isolate somebody from a "community"...

I would appreciate the chance to be able to show my skill on a lan and that is not because everybody would have an open mouth and feel bad because they hated him for the wrong reasons or stuff like that. i would be proud of myself and i (and hopefully all of u) would like to get the chance to be proud of yourself... hopefully this fact is true... if not there is no further reason for me to play eSports or do anything for reason anymore...

try to hold pointless standard comments by you and hopefully some guys take that words serious

all in all i wish you guys a nice day =))
wish you a good day to
just cleaned my buddylist :D
add me now or i will get mad!
hf getting mad :DDD
hahah, make me laugh when I see you crying now... suffer bitch!
Haha :DDD you're so evil !
well, I am normally not evil. I am a nice guy but you treated me very bad. :<
:o ?! i didn't treated you bad :(
you didn''t accept my friendship and it made me very sad :'(
The fact that you aren't in my buddylist doesn't mean we can't be friends :(

Are you going to CDC3 ? :)
:) I don't know maybe when bob is driving with his car to the LAN. Otherwise I won't come. And what's about you?
I'm coming for sure!
btw when is it? :d
21, 22 & 23 september.
omigoat, another question: are you rly 20 ? :o
because most dutch ppl here are around 14-15 ^^

so sry mister ;-)
I'm from Belgium and yes we speak dutch, but we are not the dutchies !
same! don't whine! :D
remover :'<
in some points u are right :>
wish you a good day too
be4sty is not a hacker, just a good player (played with and against him, so i know what i'm talking about!)

hope to see him surprise everyone on the CDC3
wouldnt it be cdc1 actually?
well it's the same challenge, but another name. :D
i really like seeing somebody supporting my points =]
hello viechieboy
heyaa mlolly =]
well ppl here hate other ppl for lots of resons :P

like ppl hate me cuz im a jew or my ultra cool smiley :~>

also they hate ppl cuz they cheat :~D

but in the end we are all a good community and good friends :P

thats what makes crossfire a nice place :~>

CROSSFIRE home of lots of ppl :~>
journal [waki]
I dont hate you.
I dont hate jews.
I hate you.
I hate jews.
i don't hate anybody...atleast i can't hate him if i don't know him (personally).
the only thing what's funny about this is the reaction of some imature guys who get accused of cheating. it seems as if the only way they can defend themselves is to insult others bec of their look. they aslo insult your family, your friends, etc but can't really stand any criticism and argue like a normal person.
i think thats the main reason y people start flaming eachother, just to see the reaction and have a good laugh...and crossfire is the best place to do so, lots of imature guys who like to exaggerate =]
yes i can agree with u although you are from tirol :DDDDDDD
I dont hate you.
I dont hate jews.
my point of view > your point of view
Erik Zabel cheated ?too?. now we can see him in TV cycling@Tour de France

so why not !?
couldnt care less :~)
i wanted you to keep such comments in your head...
too late i guess :/
well perhaps you have something usefull to say?
don't reply so fast :S this way it's hard for me to think about something useful to write it here :<

its getting time to reply mate :o
This community is fucked up indeed :]
Agree with you oliver, and couldn't be more true that the community is really unfriendly :P

and a little off topic :

No wonder ET has alot of cheaters since nobody cares from ET anymore
dont talk if you dont know shit, this community is hated because of retarded peoples like you
Im only stating fact's mate
so your saying non care about ET?, lets see, what YOUR doing for ET? why you think NON CARE about ET?
mystic,xpaz,jauhis,saintt,ravaneye,mztik and much much more came to play ET again, non care?
how your talking facts if dignitas, one.soldier and one4one aka vae, impact are playing in ET now? you jus a fucking retard, peoples who just complain about outhers that they does nothing are themselfs the problem
dignitas, one.soldier and one4one aka vae

Tell me. How many lineup changes have they made?

Also Eurocup was played with 2 teams which you can basically call a mix. Where is all the lan's except CDP?
dignitas, have their inactive problems, will be solved soon, one4one aka vae only changed 1 player, one.soldier just came back after their lan team.
Then explain CB's huge banlist? You can't say that wouldn't affect ET =] ET:QW in quakecon, no ET.
just becuase peoples likes to cheat you dont need to accuse anyone of not taking care, you swhould or shut up
man kAide is one of the nicest and most correct ones, that this community has
not wanting to offend you in any way (i do respect your opinion), i just want to point out some facts about the beasty case, which actually point out that he should be banned, considering that there are people around whose bans were based on some far more wishy washy proofs.

when he was busted over here on crossfire he first of all denied everything. after some time he admitted that the guid was, of course, his ( proven by the entered GUID in his ESL account ) and came up with that opengl "problem" story. this is just ridiculous.
why should anyone copy opengl files to his enemy territory folder?

if i was not guilty i would probably not start lieing at the very beginning. it simply does not earn him any credibility.

the ban showed up an IP from vienna. he lives in vienna and back in that time there was pretty much nobody around faking other guys to cause "red yawn triangles". the feature was far from being implemented back in that time because there probably were far less cheaters around. for me the razz case was most likely the first one which caused me to be a little bit more aware about what is going on in the ET scene ( cheatwise ).

he came back out of nowhere owning the whole 1on1 "elite". well, the 1on1 ladder has never been a "super-active" competition, but still there were some great aimers around whom he just seemed to own without any problem. considering that he has been nothing but mediocre until that time should just make some people think. there are loads of players around who have been playing this game since the very beginning. they pracc regularly, have been playing on a high level far longer than beasty ( who had acutally not gathered any experience in playing at that level back in that time ) and still lose to someone who has played on a low - med level for a time and then has been inactive for a while.

people are getting banned for having cvar entries in their configs. these can be simply added by some nasty server config and are far less a proof than a file which was tracked by the md5tool.
EVERYBODY whom i know who has such a yawn triangle has been using or at least tryed a bot once.
beasty in fact is just using the filename as an excuse. others say their brothers cheated, which at least is some kind of a confession, as it says that there actually have been hack related files on their computers.

viruses use filenames like "svchost.exe" or even that "opengl32.dll" name in order not to look that suspicious. the "opengl32.dll" file in beasty's case is used by some nseven ET bot and has to be compiled first. players have to test them in order to check whether they are detected by punkbuster or are not.
this implicates that not every opengl32.dll file will cause a pb error.

no matter what anyone else says, people like beasty are being banned nowadays. he was lucky to escape that procedure, but i can asure you that he will get banned sooner or later.
looks like u evertime try to find new reasons to ban me..

1. ofc i said that it wasnt me.. because i never cheated ! so why should i say it was me if i never cheated? i said the only true thing: i didn´t cheat. some guys said the opengl error could be there because the opengl.dll wasn´t in rtcw/et folder. thats why i put it there. (told u already 3 times?)

2. maybe it was my ip , and then? like i said u around 400 times the pb warn is not because of an hack

3. biggest bullshit u ever said..
1. 1on1 (on valhalla) isn´t only about aim.. 80% of the map is to know where your enemy is atm. then u already know what to do and just wait to give him 3 hs.
2. i played 1on1 from the beginning of ET. in my first lan (fenneks) i already owned everything on ctf_multi
3. how can u fucking idiot know smth about my 1on1 skills? u never played a 1on1 against me. u didn´t even know me before uR-excessive ! maybe u think it because there was never a cup ? or never a league with such high-enemys? so how do u want to know if i already had beaten other players ? when i was @ excessive i already played some 1on1 against day. ofc he won but not with much more kils. and that was more then 1 year ago!
4. when i went inactive? NEVER
@edit: if i´m at cdc3 maybe u find a nice 1on1 enemy for me then u are allowed to watch and learn from me @valhalla.

4. like u said.. there were many hacks which had a file called opengl32.dll but if it would be a aprt of the hack , why doesn´t pb says anything about a hack? (also told u 5 times)

how many times u want to say the same bullshit? if u write smth , u just write some reasons why i got banned. always new and stupid reasons. and if u dont know any new reason u tell me the same reason 10 times.. makeing me more aggressive then bored !!

@edit: how long u were inactive before ur-excessive ?
u are most likely the biggest idiot i ever met.
do you think you're something special?

you have been busted for having an opengl32.dll file in your directory.
you just set up the story about why you had to put it there after denying all accusations.
and now you think that you really have the right not to be banned? i'll get you banned asap.

edit: by the way. it's always the same reasons. and your excuses just won't work. they would work if you actually had not been busted. but as there was that opengl32 file in your directory you just have to be treated as any other cheater out there who has been busted for having any hack related file in his et folder.
somehow its getting boring...the best thing would be if u just stop to u expect any satisfaction from banning him? there are faaaaar more important things than cheaters, gaming, vL...u play ur games, he play his games; u don't have to play eachother
if he's a cheater (i don't know but i don't care either) and he thinks that thats the right way to play a game it's his shouldn't "tangent" u as long as u don't have to play against him
to me it seems as if u are far too obsessed by this shit and it seems as if u are the only one whole REALLY cares about him. u won't save ET by banning one player so if this is your biggest problem u should better stop playing the game and get something new because there will always be suspicious guys which u can't ban...
this case should be handled by the guys who are responsible for banning cheaters and not by players...better concentrate on your own shit (euler, uni, beer, etc.)
i know those facts but i can only say human actions of a young guy (ofc kiddie)

he didnt think about all that pritty much also because he didnt know how huge that story will become
playing on a lan competition IS NO PROOF that sb isn't cheating online tbh...
100% true.. but atleast i dont care then anymore about the stupid idiots.
Quote beAsty2 on 11/07/07, 20:42:28 PM | Reply

100% true.. but atleast i dont care then anymore about the stupid idiots.

absolutly true

btw hi2u kruci :D
hi2u2 vi3ch =)
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