speakers for the PC

I'm trying to get some speaker working at my PC, but the sound is very low. this is cause the speakers don't have a receiver, they're plugged in to my computer directly. any program that can be a receiver at my PC?
lol that wont work
what kind of speakers?
u need receiver
theres no such program for the PC that can be a decoder / receiver?
passiv speaker = need receiver
activ speaker = u dont need O_O
I know you'll need a reveiver fopr this speaker, but I'm asking for other options in this journal
imo there is no other option. Which soundcard do you own? my audigy does supportz decoding DD and DTS
motherboard thingy
SIS 7012 Series Audio Controller
u can use your speakers to listen and speak but to speak you need to put speakers on max volume and speak as loud as your lungs allow you to
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