Need some scripting help


I wanna make some autoexec_<mapname>.cfg files...
Got a few from teh i-net :(

They look like this:
set bluespawn "vstr spawnb1"
set spawnb1 "setspawnpt 4; echo ^7Base Entrance ^0[^7CommandPost^0]^7; set bluespawn vstr spawnb2"
set spawnb2 "setspawnpt 1; echo ^7Barracks ^0[^7Base^0]^7; set bluespawn vstr spawnb1"

set redspawn "vstr spawnr1"
set spawnr1 "setspawnpt 5; echo ^7Upper Bunker Front ^0[^7Base^0]^7; set redspawn vstr spawnr2"
set spawnr2 "setspawnpt 2; echo ^7Upper Bunker ^0[^7Base^0]^7 ; set redspawn vstr spawnr3"
set spawnr3 "setspawnpt 3; echo ^7Lower Bunker ^0[^7Base^0]^7; set redspawn vstr spawnr1"

set alliestime "timerset 30"
set axistime "timerset 30"

Now i wanna make some more, for the common maps..
Is there a URL or something where i can find the spawnpoint numbers of each map??

Polieaaaassse help :)

seta Flame 1
yes, they rly halped me once :~>

go ask in there !
just learn them, its not hard. bind spanwpoints to keys and check where u spawn.
bind "p" "setspawnpt 4;echo ^1Spawn 4"
bind "leftarrow" "setspawnpt 1;echo ^1Spawn 1"
bind "downarrow" "setspawnpt 2;echo ^1Spawn 2"
bind "rightarrow" "setspawnpt 3;echo ^1Spawn 3"
bind "uparrow" "setspawnpt 5;echo ^1Spawn 5"
bind "n" "setspawnpt 0;echo ^1Spawn 0"
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