omfg the horror!

finally after 6 months i fixed my ET

and now the whole damn community decided to play QW or just quit ET
i just wanna merc or play wars, but nobody is fuckin' looking for ringers

no kisses for you guys


ps. if you need merc msg me at #crossfire
blame the hackers
6 months ago there where enough hackers

u wanna mix maybe? :<
now there r much more and well 6o6, 3o3?
me and stargon just busted each other ... more will follow! :P
id be in till 22:00 :p
What was the problem?
how did you fixed it?
eehm deleting 15 trojan horses probably did the trick haha
And u needed 6 months to find taht out? :/ Shame on u that u got them on ur computer already.
"whole damn community decided to play QW or just quit ET"
I can merc till like 3hrs time
im avi too :D
ET > QW anytime
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