jajajaja teh QW again

I just don't get the idea, why do everyone still keeps to whine about the ET:QW, about the vehicles, game speed and so on. Nobody is forcing you to play the game if you don't like it. Why do you keep trying it to make it as shit boring as is ET? :( Hard to learn a new game? Can't live with that that someone can actually effectively use vehicles and deployments in game and you not?

Well I say FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING FUCKERS! Stick to your ET and don't make ET:QW to become as gay as you made ET with your "omg top clans suffer from mortars - let's remove it!" and shit like that!

Maybe then just as CB to remove ANYTHING what is not like in ET? Like quick chat (as it's different than in ET), voices (omg axis have an alien voice - lez replace it with ET axis voices!) and so on?

I'm not the bestestest ET:QW beta player (and i believe I will never be), but I still enjoy the game as it is, with all of the weapons, vehicles and even the annoying "flying drones", but you all seem to whine about ANYTHING what's new and refreshing to the game which is SIMILIAR, not EXACTLY THE SAME as ET.

Once again - FUCK YOU!

noone cares about u 2


QuoteStick to your ET and don't make ET:QW to become as gay as you made ET with your "omg top clans suffer from mortars - let's remove it!" and shit like that!

if it will go this way, qw will be good pub game!
So you say that ET game style is the only one which could be competetive?

And yeah, noone cares about you too, so:
image: maskava
go pray to your hitler posters

nazi, racist or just piece of shit
Sadly (for you) I don't have any and I'm not a fanboy of him (not as you and your Lenin and Stalin obsessions) :(
haha, unlike you my thinking doesnt involve retarded political views or any shit like that, mr.white power or whatever you are
Sadly (once again for you) i'm not even mr. white power ;(

(and you still didn't answer my quesjun) :C
wtf? not nazi, not racist anymore? you changed?!?!

no ET style is not the only one competitive style, and i am not even flaming quakewars (tho AT THE MOMENT the BETA has shit netcode and rofl hit detection and LOLOLOZOMG sound system) but the game itself definetly needs some serious tweaking to become good competitive game
Not really changed, but few opinions have changed (but not much) regarding politics and national questions.

Anyway, but why do always everyone (for example @ ET) everything, what's overpowered or too easy to use gets removed instead of tweaking effectiveness of them? Why do everyone complain about vehicles? Yeah, I read what Clown said, but if it's aviable for fast-to-learn thing, that shouldn't bother ANY of teams, right? As both teams have similiar vehicles, I guess they make teams even, right? In that case all could be solved with better teamplay and/or aim. Instead of that we see that there are great plans to remove as much as possible to make the game look like ET (which has nothing to do with QW). How comes? :o

edit: So was in ET - both teams could use mortar, but it got removed because of first second spam @ offencive team as round starts... although even in next round the opposite team could do the same to opponent. Instead of learning to master mortar, it got removed.
game is not symetrical(right word?), it has attacking and defending team, therefore overpowering some shit do more harm or more good to one of the teams making it very unballanced
Yeah, but after first SW round comes the second one where the teams are switched. So it means that the other team can do the same also and/or maybe do it even better (or worse), right? I'm maybe not that correct in that, but isn't therefore SW mode? To see who's better at this and that and who's not?
beeing able to do it in both SW doesnt make game any better
why not to be a CB admin?
ticket for you:

image: apz85kx4bn03hezxn
i sense a /b/tard...
call the carepolice pls
What tis men said.
more porn <3
its being made a public topic over and over again, so we are asked to give our opinions i guess so we cant be arsed to not use our rights to participate in public discussions!
The problem isnt that someone wouldnt be able to use vehicles effectivly, it's just that EVERYONE can use them(effectivly) since they are noob-friendly... And that makes the game dull after a while, like constant mortar fire in some chockpoints(goldrush tank defence anyone?).
So then why not to make them harder to use not to remove completely?
I don't know human, ask SD.
All my problems regarding QW solved themselves.
My pc is just too slow.
I mostly agree with bacilis :>

And the ET players are all whining and complaining on each other all day long... every match i play will end with cursing and when u make a mistake: Noob.
please i hope the players will be different in ET:QW.
And just have fun together!

or ill just go and play WoW :<
comment of the year
its crossfire, what else you can expect :)
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