super mario ftw

omg ... this looks like cheating xD

so ownage


must be some asian freak :O
Immortality hax
old -.- (January 19, 2006)
c4re ?

its cool and who cares if its old or new :/
i just remembered old times xDD
haha .. yesterday my cousing ''maze'' ( who is in your clan? ) told me he owns you ? :P

i lol'd at you if thats true!
1st mAze is just backup
2nd he shall do 1on1 with me and we will see
3rd your cousin has a voice like a girl imo

but nvm
haha cool :P yea thats true . hes lieing a lot to me !
btw don't know what you see in him ,, hes just a little fanboy thats happy whole day if he played with med+ skilled player .. blabla :)
the fact he sounds like a girl is that hes only 14 years old -.-' gg
he said hes in squad nr1 and that hes very good blabla ... im lolling big time if you think hes good :p
nono ^^ he isnt bad ... k im low+/med- but thats and other story lol
he is nice but he lied to you yepp xD he is backup in 2nd squad
hes also saying im going to play at cdc3 and stuff .. dont know what hes up to :P ..
looool n1 rofl
if your still in need .. pm me :)
btw :p ..maze will be on your feets if you'll be a little harder for him :P

hell do everythign
wtf hax!!
i see some noclipping and wallhacking in it.
omg thats hax fo sho !!! :~>
wallhack + jumpscript + aimbot
sounds like vaggis config <o/
nice bot bruv
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