Mouse and Headset

I am going to buy a new mouse and headset and money IS a problem. I have like 100 euro avi, any hints on what would be the best buy price/quality.
mouse - mx518
headset - siberia icemat black/white
=DDD, little bit over the 100 euro budget don't you think ;p
Steelsound 3h and Mx518 or deathadder
Well i don't know a mouse for so less money but i can suggest u Trust 640U HeadSet<3 pwns x)
Steelsound 5h V2 and Microsoft Intelli 3.0. I've had mx518, mx500, razer diamondback, old intelli 3.0, and I think, without a doubt, that the MSI 3.0 is the best! The 2000 DPI is just bullshit anyways, gives you negative accel (I dont know if some software or whatever has come along to fix it yet)
lol what dpi has to do with acceleration...
just use the CPL mousefix
Dosnt work :) Everything (afaik) over 400 dpi gives you negative accel. I even spoke to the razer guys about it, they didnt have any solution to the negative accel you get with 2000 dpi, they told me it was not removeable.

CPL fix dosnt remove all of the mouse accel in windows anyways ;) You need to run another software, I know of the one raziel made.
i got no acceleration at all and trust me i tested it
If you say so.. Go find raziel and tell him he's all wrong.
didnt say he's wrong...
i said I HAVE NO ACCELERATION, but i removed it with another things too soo...
That's POSITIVE acceleration.
800 dpi = negative accel ? hmm
a) "CPL mousefix" doesn't fix ANYTHING.
b) ET doesn't use direct input. Due the way the game captures mouse movement, some of it might not be registered. The higher the dpi the more likely it is (other factors: sensitivity, fps, resolution).
indeed, what a silly name ^^
they should name it "TEH CPL ACCEL REDUCER GG"
mouse -> mx 518
headset -> logitech pro gaming headset
icemat siberia + razer deathadder
sennheiser pc 150/151
just ordered it yesterday too, today it already arrived here, gonna test it later @ home !!! :>
35€ ~

headset -> speedlink 25€ or smth, does the job for et and etqw
(maybe not cs or cod, cuz there u need to hear like everything...)
look in my profile for the model nr.
mx310 ~20€
sennheiser pc150 / 151 ~70€
Koss Ur18 ~20e? :p
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