ET QW Beta2 Gamespeed

My secret source is telling me - the gamespeed will be reduced :[

It will :x
many ppl whined @ community forums
fuck the bf players :(
omfg pls god kill the fucking bf naps
apparantly, these noobs camped god and killed him so now qw is gonna get more fucked up. DIE BF PLAYERS KK?
>8~D <--- lOekino@lol (he is so thin:<<<< )
nice, can't wait
what do you mean by gamespeed? xD Perheaps thell make vehicles that slow that using them will be pointless xD
shit game. will be even more shit with slower gamespeed. haha, fuck you etqw.
we've got the same opinion, dear sir

i love you
I hope you are having fun in that cave of yours ;0
wtf is ur point? simply cuz I dont like etqw makes me a person who lives in a cave? fuck you mr-know-it-all.
You dont have to feel offended so soon already ;[

As you might know nowadays there are thousands of battlefield noobs, dice is well known for dumbing their games down instead of fixing bugs. Now all these Battlefield noobs are whining to the SD guys that the game is too fast for their liking, putting a lot of pressure on them. Next to that you have the ET scene which is crying about everything presented, showing SplashDamage little respect. The ET scene is just as bad as the Battlefield scene if it is about whining, you shouldnt be surprised they will listen to the poor battlefield noobs instead of the ET pro's, because the battlefield noobs are simply a larger audience.
eh, thats quite obvious, why do u explain this shit to me? + u totally avoided my question. wp.
You are living in a cave because you are Finnish of course!

Maybe you dont care about what I say which I cant blame you for because most things I say are bullshit, but someone else might..
well I dont still understand why u comment that to me. and its not like I wouldnt care, its just obvious shit which a person who is not completely retarded would be able to figure out. :o
If you dont like ETQW you are just stupid. Even after you have tried the game and you dont like you are stupid.

The game is slower than ET
The game is more noobfriendly than ET
The game has an insane learning curve which noobs might mistake for a skilled game. Adding zillion features to a game wont make up for the fact that it is slow and it lacks the basic and solid gameplay which made us love RTCW ET.

Can we plz stop bashing ppl who dont like ETQW?
but pumu likes it... oh wait, yeah okay.
What is this ET QW? Must be shit.
ye, i heard that too

well, if its _that_ shit, then just let us forget about it!
=D, I wanna see the Sublime ins movie, when will it be finished ;p?
You're teasing me =o[
i guess it s enemy territory Quick Wank but i am not sure
Yeh, that's why so many guys are playing it atm!
These roumors are based on the closed beta - a playtest. Things might very well change before they make the transition from the closed to the open beta. and again this is unconfirmed romours that might be proven wrong very soon, so discussing it is kinda pointless.

I would rather discuss romours about becks next haircut.
I want to know more about becks haircut, what will it be?
im thinking something similar to this:

image: macgyver
they should fix netcode and hitdetection, then tweak bf2 speed rofl
bad "news"
will ruin the game, at least for the et players if or when they reduce the game speed
tr00, so are there no Et palyers at the community forums?

i think it's wrong that bf players can decide how the game will end :S
have some faith in sd !
so no pro tirckjumps anymore :(
ahaha it felt too slow already
But you can move so fast with ur knife and jump forever1111

(note to ppl without brain: speed of game =/= speed of movement)
even slower? O_O
RTCW2 plx fast !!
we don't care about quake wars!
+20% speed pls
wtf its already at the threshold of being boring
quake is a fast game, why in hell ET Quake Wars should be even slower than what it is now ? :|
ET = kinda fast
Quake = even faster

But where the hack is Battlefield in the name of Enemy Territory : Quake wars

This sucks
they're also reducing the spread - which is good?!!? and the speed is only being reduced by 10% :X
i think etqw is faster than et, but i dont get why others dont agree.
gamespeed = action, not how fast you can run or drive around
Can everyone who whined about W:ET when they were playing RTCW raise his/hers left hand?

Now please can everyone who now plays W:ET and whines about ETQW raise his/hers right hand?


Ok, can someone remove all the people with both hands raised?

The world is full of whining people, go away please and never ever show your sorry ass on the internet again.

Thank you.
can i whine if et:qw speed get's reduced? ty

and yes, w:et is rtcw's retarded little brother. etpro saved it from doom.
noes : ((((((
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