banned for no reason

Im banned from, and #et.merc by exz cause we owned him in war. Unban me plz


* You were kicked from by exz^ (fu cheater)
* You were kicked from #et.merc by exz^ (cheater whore and his hollandese no mvoement haxer)
* You were kicked from by exz^ (exz^)
the reason is cheater i think
no we just owned him
really i think its because exz pressed the wrong button. So instead of giving you op you were banned... a stupid mistake but mistakes happen
lol peunt!
<3 exz

no one have to unban you -.-
it's his channels and he will do wtvr he want XD
the ppl from crossfire will unban you , -_-
skyboy hacking,
peuter hacking
all hacking
stop talking and try dieing.
exz is always whining when he gets killed.
"- retard" 7F0118B92328EDDAAAE82A3CE0E4E49BAAEB12B5

"2" days guids.....

"Tm.Blabla" 33B699DE859737322A0C3BCB1FB38C70D0A5C4B2

says all ..
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