lets play a game.

Let's play a nice game called "help an Estoniaestonian"

just register, wont take much of your time, i need 15 people more to get enaugh of those stupid points to get a team and get my player out of the fuckin polish second league, where the team loses like every game.

so its for a good cause, http://www.cyberdunk.com/?ref=10486 and register.

thank you. <3
not fun to play with.
playing et or the other game he and fred play?
no idea :<
cant see him on wolf.zone vent either, his dead i think.
starcraft sucks, play aoe2.

but, is kmz like, gone? :S
he is dead.
im sorry.
sometimes truth hurts

he got a life :/
lets remember him always for been in the screen, makes us, the nolifers, happy.
thou are almost like kmz, twin?
then how do you know he's not dead? Theres still a slight hope for us nolifes, that he is dead and doesen't have a life.

like, literally.
you prefer him dead than having life? :XD
well, see, computer games = nolife, that makes girls laugh at us.
well see, dead guy = no life, girls cry because of us.

which do you prefer?

edited, hit me.
i prefer been a pornstar, girls doesnt care about us, they just let us fuck them and get payed.

swo playing computers in morning and working fucking in the night.
ok, do you want someone to join or that secret message is just a goverments conspiracy for not getting my player out of the polish second league?
conspiracy or do you want ppl to join?
both, i want peoples to join + you found my big secret :(
i don't like you know + i joined.
i didnt know you didnt like that i know + register.
now i <3 u.
every story has a sweet end.
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