Back from ze parte

Since it seems to be a habit for people when you are back from a parte, and your pc is (dunno how it comes) still turning (as in my case), they write a total useless and spamfull back from ze club journal. Since i'm just back from a parte at a one of my mates home i'm also writing one of this useless diaries.

If you want to have a succeeeeded party, i rl,y suggest you hve like you know what
err a trampoline hell what sthe word in english, and a lil swimmin ppool and like one hell of a lot o f beer, and some cool girls (which even dont have to be total sluts, just random slutty, which they all are). and then you rly get one hell of a chill party, so no hard jumping losers style, just like, fucking fun barbecue, and after that a cool, and chillin party, with some nice booz, some nice sigs, some nice 'stuff", and some chillin music, and you rly get the fun of your life!!!!

peace out

just yet another useless journal, so viel spaB with ze flaming!
this clock aint right its 4 o clock and cf says 2 o clock damm u site stop owning me!
As if you're interested in girlz, gay :D
proud that you are still awake, koe :) ?
(btw, wonna play 4v4 or something?)
Your name is similar to mine. I also do with a big A. Hmm, you are now my enemy. Or maybe not. I'll think of it.

Tell me now, are you a good guy which I can rely on that if I kill you, you wont call the police? NOT THE CAREPOLICE, ZEH REAL POLICE MAN!
well if you'd write that, my russian spys will visit you... look out of your window, its the car parking in the street.
Is your russian spy named hummel by any chance? In that case I'm not very scared.

Have I told you that you are sexy?
Have I told you that you are gay?
By having a similar nick to mine, I thought you knew that I was gay. And in that way I also thought you also were gay. Gaygaygay = Pride!
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