Good morning ( ! )

Just woke up like 20 minutes ago, cause it's too fucking hot outside and I have like 20 Belgium mesqito bites, it's just horrible... :'(
I'm enjoying now some fresh air (sponsored by the ultimate ventilator), drinking some tea & eating some freshly baked buns... In 3 hours I'm leaving the house to get a new headset, cause my last one is completely wrecked...

How are you doing? :')

:: random pic »
morning.. =o
Where do you live?
In africa germany, it's not sahara-like, but still I can't sleep...
at wednesday will be 41C here : / (Budapest)
oh noes :o/

I'm living upstairs, so it's pretty hot in here, the best solution is to sleep downstairs near the ground, cause the ground is nippy :/
Fine and dandy my good sir, thank you for asking! I feel a bit sad that I'm so tierd, since I feel like beeing up and doing cool stuff like nitting myself a couple of new owen-mitts or reading all the plays of Shakespear in cronological order.

Can you help me with this question? You have till 6:00 sharp to answer. Or else I'll kill that guy who has a name similar to mine, vAurien or something.

Just gief me teh link to his profile, I'll rape him :'c
I know I can trust you.
Go rape him madly now and make me proud! ;)
i go to bed now :P
Just a smiley? everything dosn't have a meaning
well, good 'night' :'D
thanks a lot ;P
I slept very well :)
aww, i wish i just woke up, not that i was going to bed now :<
i didnt sleep the night also :<... yesterday i went at 3 o'clock to bed and woke up at 8 o'clock to do waterski :D... 2day i didnt sleep but i will go to bed a bit earlier then... maybe 23:30 or smthg...
:O, your time and your occupation o0?
student (summer-holidays) and it's 5:57CET right now.
26 degrees here :p melting @ uinversity :(
19°C @ office 8))))))
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