Call of Duty 2 help

Heya guys...
well the viech goes multigaming and today i bought COD2 as i think this is an incredable game (only know it from a LAN where i ve played it).

Now i have a couple of questions and perhaps somebody of you is kind and helps me with it.
First of all i would like to know if there is any Maincommunitysite for COD2... i know crossfire is also a cod community but i cant find any files, support n stuff... i only read the news couverages (that let me expect that the game is awesome when played online)...

What is the latest patch and where could i find it?

Is it usefull to create a config or is COD not as configbased as ET is?

Well i think thats all for the moment and hopefully anybody could help me :)))

thx in advance <3
yours sincerely
comment nr.1
comment nr.2
comment nr.3
comment nr.4
1st answer: version 1.3
2nd answer: its configbased

*EDIT* if u wanna play some mixes or smth, pm rapster @ #re-play
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