drago needs a qw key

we all know the famouse Germany drago. He needs a qw key because he is playing under the name power3 right now

key plz
nice game cod2 =) im making a team, care to join?
yea sure, pmme @ #re-play tommorow, i gonna sleep now ^^ bibuy
Have a key,but someone is using it too :<
same here, suddenly a message appeared saying "another user logged on with your key" :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
but i didnt give it to anyone :(
drago is really in need of a key.

im sure that u could get the login of the "power3" account in exchange.

just pm me, morb or drago.

key plz
fuck u dorago
he really needs it! :> gogo
delete the profile and create a new one with "drago" as name
i need a key do to that :(
i can borrow you an account, cause i got two
borrow it to me instead.
he has an account, but he wants one that is called drago :o
i knew it, you wanna be chmpp more than power3!
10mins playtime, so it is nearly unused :>
please someone use their key to register the name "drago" i will lol for atleast 5 seconds.
hab mein schon vergeben :DD
power3 ownz!
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