uk and germany

harry dies

about time, i fkin hate him
This made my day

always funny to get you angry tbh :D
I was hoping that you would come to check this

don't worry dunno if it's true just wanted to make a harry potter journal :)

meee big dick now?
well he rly died :~<
his owl dies
Haggrid explodes
orly? like we didnt know it already
Harry wakes up in his room at his parents house IT WAS ALL A DREAM
NP if he is dead, then the medic is going to revive him with his needle
i hope he has sex with this asian girl before
don't stop using your pills, it's obviously bad for you
oh plz i almost never played with jetro and he didn't hack in scrims like your mate phunk.

(waki, teh public hero )

now i'm scared off your sword, sigh
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