Vagina parfume (18+)
18 Jul 2007, 15:29
Journals Jeah it's true ! : )
Do you want to smell this?
Do you want to smell this?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
imagine what "woman" might have produced this
i think he meant the same
The logo rocks!!
The name rocks!
The URL, too!
hilarious :D
*edit: the gallery rocks, too xDD*
and the chick on the website is cross-eyed.
grillen usw
alle paar minuten aufn pot rennen is vorbei. da muss wieder was mit nem knochen dran in hals
ich hab mir heut ne lebensmittelvergiftung beim chinesen geholt. krasser scheiß
laut der seite kommen noch zwei weitere düfte heraus:
EIGHTEEN und EXOTIC... :D was ich mir unter dem 2ten vorstellen soll weiß ich net aber eighteen scheint vielversprechend :P
the fishy thing is an old mythos of unclean women
Just curious though, how did you find this? and why? :D
Im sure there is a story to be heard here.
nice one
Anyway, shaved > *