Cadred and Insignia Cadre divides

From today, will be purely a community site, offering you the same great coverage you've come to expect. It will be a totally neutral media site.
All the existing teams will be moved from to under the Insignia Cadre organisation. The website for the teams will be

This reminds me of mTw and mymTw/rushed, gl anyway :)
sux, i liked the way it has been before :(
stupid move imo.
so pointless...
smart choice.
1 month to go shiitty and you can be 24/7 nolife again :D.
they have money again now!
Not sure what it does for them? oBs explain!
Regrettably I don't know much more about this than you do. Sauna broke the news to the members of the news crew earlier today and provided the same reasons that he has mentioned in the official statement quoted in the news post; the primary motivation probably being the pursuit of objectivity in the news items.

It is, from what I gather, just an organizational change to help clarify the dividing lines between the Insignia Cadre teams and the Cadred community catalysed by past complaints about biased coverage.
How the pursuit of objectivity be achieved when the owner is the same? It wud be the same as me making ET and ET:QW sections different websites, but I'd still run them, they're only as objective as the owner wants surely?

You should write for CF!
Enemy Territory

* auron
* chmpp
* kmble
* lettu_
* MulSu
* Squalliiii
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