
bla bla bla bla, gold next time!

for "gold" blame Virtu!
second match should be played, orelse its fucking retarded and admins should die
just wait for en_iks_em's statement !
No decision yet, just be patient, I'm doing my best to solve this (without handicap for germany or poland)

:: statement will be published tomorrow...

bla bla bla bla, last next time!
there is a 2nd final? Your name better be donkey.
fu, that's becouse of VIRTU!
true, always blame the admins, if I wouldn't be on the server someone other would be blamed... o_O'
no, always your's fault ! : )
what happened? what did virtu do?
I'm polish tbh, born in poland and living in germany...
But it's sensless to talk with you, cause you think I'm biased :-)
still german:>!

true, with a polish 'passport' & 'identification card' I'm german...

I'm just living in germany and it's a great time, cause it's a great country :-)
It was irony :> but ok now i see the answer what i even not expected to have^^

"I'm just living in germany and it's a great time, cause it's a great country :-) "

for me enough;) mabye you have a polish passport and identification but think now ( and i am almost sure of that!) you have german mentality :> Tell me why ger/pol admin was in pol/ger match? Shouldn't be there someone form another country?

and btw I am not ass...
Why the hell should I have a german mentality? I'm sure the german way of live affects on me, but still I lived 6 years in poland and moved then towards germany, I can definitive say that I still have a polish temper. I'm still like 4 months of the year in poland (every year), because my whole family lives there & It's the country I feel comfortable in!

Why should there be another admin? o_O'
I'm not biased and know how to handle my fanboy-thingy for a country, you're totaly wrong mrs. :-)

Finally you can define 'polish mentality' :-)
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