Due the fact the WorldCup is a tournament with a double-elimination-system, a second final will be played tomorrow... You can blame me, but I don't care, the newspost was a bit weird to Germany/Poland me & Belgium Super, though I'm taking the whole responsiblity and don't want blame others for newspost and suggestive statements! The second final will be 'THE LAST MATCH' of this WorldCup, the winner will be the champion for the first and last WorldCup! We're organizing this match to finish this tournament without any handicap for any of those two teams!

I'm sorry for those people who already celebrated their nation & for those who (maybe) can't see a second final (holidays or whatever), and I'm really disappointed about the communities-bahaviour (blaming someone), it's just a game ;-)

:: Be patient for some more information (like time/maps/lineups etc)

Thx for your time & again sorry for any mistakes during the final and for those who already celebrated their nation, regards virtu...

:: I'm out...
I´m sure u still did a good job and we all love watching ETTV again
haha virtu :D
why u dont use this flag? Germany/Poland :<
Quotefinish this tournament without any handicap for any of those two teams!
So they are free to use whoever they want? ie Keran.
cheaters are still not allowed, so whats your point? :x
Why make statements like that, which are open to misinterpretation?
you are retarded, maybe use your brains and think it through again
xD but seriously, what kind of sentence is "We're organizing this match to finish this tournament without any handicap for any of those two teams!" the only handicap that either team has is some German players aren't allowed to play.
so poland doesnt have cheaters ?
Big well known ones that could get in the national side and who are banned on Clanbase? Probably not no.
and why would they need to be well known?
Name me one astoundingly skilled player who isn't well known! :P
andy.xh seems to have pretty much 0.000 second reflexes.
whats wrong with the germany's lineup? if something to change, maybe the rifle, but ohzora or riddla havent been active so hazer is the spot on. maybe urtier could try to fit in instead of maybe bit too rambo hatred or something, but cant really see that as a must either. even if keran would be allowed to play, why would he play?
na perfect lineup would be urtier, senji, butchji, snoop, weak and hazer :x
urtier, senji, butchji, drago, rifle, weak/snoop

cant say between snoop or weak, snoop aint that special but I havent seen weak playing so cant really say how he plays.

(tbh I just forgot senji, soz senji!)
now you are to ROFL
kk poland will earn a second bash
Germany won fair and square and I really enjoyed watching the 'final' last night.

Do you have any more info in the last match being played?
poland deserve it
even without the newsposts, you as admins, should figure it out by urself that its not the last match in the cup. you should be the guys who correct the newspost, now the ones who read it and say "oh, I thought its something else"
It's the conspiracy of Poland! Beware germans, theyre gonna lag and hax for win this time!!11
Quote by virtual
virtual on 18/07/07, 21:50:00 PM | Reply

A 2nd final won't be was the grand-final, even if it was Losers Bracket vs. Winners Bracket o_O'

It's useless to play the same match's just senseless!

So stop the "haha virtu" cause I don't give a fuck & you don't know anything about admins-desicion, retards...

rofl nice one
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