My New QPad?
19 Jul 2007, 12:18
QPAD®|UC™ Large, 3mm
QPAD®|UC™ Large, Black, 3mm. Gaming surface with uncoated cloth surface. QPAD|Glidz™ included for utlimate control.
Size: Medium [42x30.6cm 16.5x12inch]
Thickness: 3mm
Color: Black
Surface: Uncoated cloth surface
Other: Including Q|Glidz and Q|Stickers
Art.Nr. 3910
EAN: 7350020290411
QPAD®|XT-R™ Black, 4mm. Gaming mouse pad with Carbytek™ hard-top surface. QPAD Glidz and dome stickers included.
Size: Large [35 x 26cm 13.7 x 10.2 inch]
Thickness: 4 mm
Color: Black
Surface: Carbytek™ Hard-top
Other: Including Q|Glidz and Q|Dome stickers. Delivered in a cool tinbox.
Art.Nr. 3900
EAN: 7350020290381
QPAD®|EC-R™ Black, 1.5mm. Gaming mousepad with Carbytek2™ surface. including QPAD|Glidz and QPAD|3D Stickers.
QPAD®|EC-R™ Ultra thin proffesional gaming mousepad!
Size: Large [35 x 25.5cm 13.7 x 10.2 inch]
Thikness: 1.5mm
Color: Black
Surface: Carbytek2™ hard-top
Other: Including Q|Glidz and Q|Dome stickers. Delivered in a cool tinbox.
Art.Nr. 3901
EAN: 7350020290404
Wich one should i take?
I am a Lowsenser.
Or should i take a other mousepad then Qpad?
I think the more interesting product, atleast for me personally, would be an ipod with a similar form factor, i.e full touch screen, wireless, etc. Basically I phone minus the phone, probably a bit smaller too.
Can't bother to review it, but in a nutshell, it's really good except for the batmobile-shape and silk-screened logo. A rectangular version would have been a lot better. No idea about durability, that would take months of active use - not looking for a change right now.
Or someone called you on telephone..
Why the skirts waved?
Since I only have experience with the Qpad UC, I'll tell you something about it.
First of all, I think Qpad made that pad just because they wanted to have a "cloth mousepad" in their portfolio. The Qpad words you see on the leftbottom feel like it has been painted on the pad. So that ofcourse will wear off if you more your mouse/hand a lot on that place. So quality could have been better.
Of to the material; The material itself is great and I think it will last long, but then again what is long right? Let's just say that the material won't fall apart soon.
Of to it's perfromance; The perfromance is great, topnotch. It does what you want, when you want it to, for the time being. However, the pad is slow. Be prepared to adjust your sensitivity again. By this I mean raising it if necessary.
Overall; The pad is great, good for low and high sensetivity. Do know that if you need 100 cm for 360 degrees, you shouldn't buy this mousepad. It is extremely small. I really had to get used to it's size since I have the oldskool Everglide DKT.
EDIT: Ofcourse, you could wait a little longer so that you can get a better view on this pad by Feuerstrum.
EDIT2: I just read that Feuersturm won't be reviewing this pad any time soon. So you'll have to do it with my somewhat small description. Feel free to pm me for more questions.
Location: Belgium
No clans.
You are my idol
Gpad ? lol, imo Qpad :O