Need some cvar help <o/
20 Jul 2007, 16:11
r_lowmemtexturesize = 2048
r_lodCurveError = 250
r_maskMinidriver = 0
r_maxpolyverts = 8192
r_maxpolys = 4096
r_novis = 0
r_nv_fogdist_mode = GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV unsafe
r_offsetunits = -2
r_offsetfactor = -1
Well, im finishing my movie cfg, and i cant find info for thoose cvars. Need infos / best settings for quality.
Thank you in advance *
r_lodCurveError = 250
r_maskMinidriver = 0
r_maxpolyverts = 8192
r_maxpolys = 4096
r_novis = 0
r_nv_fogdist_mode = GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV unsafe
r_offsetunits = -2
r_offsetfactor = -1
Well, im finishing my movie cfg, and i cant find info for thoose cvars. Need infos / best settings for quality.
Thank you in advance *
You can reduce the use of your graphic card with it. So you shouldn't do it, if you want to have the best possible view.