2 years :~>~>>~>~>~>>

yes 2 years in crossfire (well 2 years and 1 day :~>)

10x for every one and god bless us all :~>

next year i will be @ israeli army :~>>
but why when i go to army a war will start :~<

edit: today party & alcohol & girls !! :~>

*later that night*

6on6 high servOFF /q TheoDor :~>
THAT SMILE SUCKS ! :< Stop using it :|
stfu and hug me :~<
I dont want to :< And that smile still suck's :~< <- YAK ! 8/
Now it's good ! :) gratz for 2 year's ! :D
hf with getting shot @ the ArmY
getting shot will be the easy part @ army :~>
god dont like you
Do you have to become a terrorist in israel? :~<
elite terrorist :~<
Give crazy headshots at enemys pls and dont let them panzer you.
<- hisbollah xD
its hezballah and its mean "party of allah"

dont worry im 1337 then them :~>
gl in sie army
god youre annoying :x
good luck brotha, dont die. and check your back, you never know when you're gonna get blowed up to 100 pieces there.
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