et_ice (a devaS journal)

Why does nobody in a 3vs3 prac wants to play ice?
Are you all retarded and incredibly stupid that you dont know ice?

And what about goldrush :/ ?
It's for fuck sake one of the biggest maps in ET.

You win your opponent's map.
You choose goldrush, knowing that it's way to big to play it.
Result: nobody can even reach the gold, and you win.

1. All you retards over here connect to a server with ice and learn the map.
2. Ban goldrush from the 3vs3 maplist.

Belgium devaS over and out !
grush is easy to win
i hope your facts about grush are jokes
gr > ice
lold @ "Result: nobody can even reach the gold, and you win."

yes you can ez get the gold
Alsek zeg dater om het hoekske ne medic zit me duzend medpacks ... betekent dat niet dater daadwerkelijk duzend liggen he.
Tis een wijze van spreken :p.
gr is the best
ice sucks
bdorf,fbite,wolken,adler,communique, sd: 3on3 only
yah ice just blows... that's why
RTCW maps should be played on RTCW only :<
Im suprised you even know there exist a map called ice you newschooler.
i <3 ice and frost :>
I don't know why, maybe the fact the ice is absolutely terrible has something to do with it.
Maybe you are the retard.
you can win ice without ever seeing an enemy :/
that would be a pretty bad defence...
true, just trying to say that if you get a fullspawn from the start the map is already almost lost :/
WhY DoNt yOu lIeK jUmP oFf A bRiDgE d0oD :/

edit: pretty obvious that you've been in a clan together with stormG, the arrogance really shows :) ("retards) +the spelling mistakes :> ("toO big")
steek da kuiken waar de zon nooit schijnt eikel
I'm in the same clan as stormG asswell - and as far as I know I aint an arrogant twat
2 words: LOW FPS

+ ET_ice too big, not many short 1v1 situations
+² Goldrush overall more a 6v6 map imo + 30 fps when tank gets in position^^
ice 4 pros imo

i do get some fps lag though

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