Who should I contact?

Who should I contact if I wan't my old xfire-account back? I can't access it because I don't remember the password(even I thought I remembered it) and the email I registered it to, doesn't work anymore(they stopped the service).
And why do I wan't it back? Because I wan't my "Member For: 2 years, 11 months and 25 days" back(And ofc my real nick) :D:D:D
n1, thx np. Happy caturday everyone!

EDIT: Got it, thanks xRio =) Nice guy.
IRC #crossfire
query me on IRC... xRio
this man is a phoney!
rply to my uber important bnc qrys! :)
oh yeh, forgot that...
yeh its possible, ill do it asap. have like 5 requests atm :<
this sounds kinda fake
my mum
I asked schmusen's mom, didn't work. I'm fake, thx nattefrost. I contacted PHONEY-xRio and he did it, cheers =)
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