Xfire birthday :)

So it's mah crossfire birthday today :D

Member For: 3 years and 0 days

Hooooooray :)
happy '36 months' birthday!
chmmp says I'm the man =]
Hooooooray :)
hooooooorayyyy :>
my profile: Member For: 3 years and 0 days

my xfire bday as well i guess then:]
hb !
hip hip hurra! ;)
oldschool! :XD
Age: 19 ( 25 July 1988 ) <--- thats my age apparently, but why does it say im 19 ? im not 19 yet, 3 days left !
my birthday was on 20th of july.. and cf said also im 19 when there were still 2-3 days left.. some kind of bug?!
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