needs some attention

image: rooster%20attention%20whore
florian in love with lady, so he is dragging puu's attention, naiz!
oki, ill stay with my belgian girls ;>
but nobody hot in brugge:(
in 2 days, me is going to oostduinkerke
hot french girls there
in 3days me is going to london
no hot girls there:<
you have something with straf while he lives in france?
i am at france at StrAfs home ehehehe
something is crazy for me:
strAf visited you and the only thing i saw was, that he was online posting on crossfire...
now there is a journal and u say you are at strafs home and now you are online all the time =)))

dont u have anything better to do with ur boy than beeing online at tardfire? :DDD
pls just shut up if u know nothing? maybe try!
and btw he was at my home first and now im at france cus we'll go to holydays tomorrow and i'm not online all the time..
if u don't logout u're online even if crossfire is closed so
<3 whine
just let me wonder and as i said this is something that i dont rly care about.
now enjoy your holiday and stop beeing pissed

btw: warum reagierst du so aggressiv auf sowas?
ich weiß ich habs net fein und nett ausgedrückt aber das war definitiv ohne nachdenken der erste gedanke der mir in den sinn kam.

weiters: "if u know nothing"... ihr tragt eure liebe und beziehung ja voll öffentlich aus :)))
wenn du dein profil voll auf ich liebe dich blabla gestaltest, dann nimmst du auf einmal alles das aus deinem profil heraus und dann tust dus wieder rein dann fängt man vorallem wenn man dich so gern hat wie ich auch mal zum nachdenken an, da du mir ja auch einiges erzählt hast, wie eifersüchtig er nicht war als wir nett geplaudert haben.

ich bin definitiv nicht jemand der nichts über dich weiß... ich weiß schon was ich an dir damals hatte und warum ich dich gerne hab.

also jetzt nimm den comment nicht so tragisch, wenn du willst kann ich es auch löschen aber jetzt genießt euren urlaub und eure gemeinsame zeit und lasst crossfire mal nicht so euer leben beeinflussen.

grüß den strAf von ihm und sag ihm dass ich ihn nachwievor für einen tollen freundlichen typen halt :)

also viel spaß euch noch
maybe she got school when i was at her home ? Anyway,its rly not ur problem..You know nothing :x
No wonder looking at your age, do something usefull please - thanks in advance
21, stop gaming plz
Browsing a gaming site really makes me a gamer, get real
atm: moomoofarm - mmf

this makes you a gamer
And again - because I'm in a clan makes me a gamer? Thanks for the info btw, I totally forgot I was member of that clan..
Tell me all the useful things you have done in your life, i wanna learn some:(
I sure didn't act like a wannabe grown up when I was 16. I had respect for the elder people - I still have at the moment. More and more young people forget the fact they can't be grown up and/or act like an adult when they are still a child
The fact that you dont have respect for younger people eighter makes your statement really look stupid. You were the guy who was bitching at him in the first place. As far as i know he didnt ask for you help or your comment but you decided that you would be funny by posting this. In MY opinion that didnt work out, i hope you found yourself funny tho.
Whatever, I'm really not in the mood to argue with a 15 years old boy, no offence ofcourse.
Thats your choice. But next time think when posting your ultracool comments.
what about a 59 years old man?
am i known now?
Puu has added you to his buddylist !

happy panda now

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