new screen

i just got my 17inch LCD... i dont rly like it i may say. but still its only my first min's on it.. i replaced it with my 19inch normal screen which took too much space in my table
what do you prefer, LCD or normal screen?

edit: does LCD fimiliar to the laptop screens? :P (i have no idea in such stuff...)
normal ofc :D?
Used to play on lcd since i have a computer so can't say :p
when i played on a normal screen, i used to have a black line around the picture shown on it so its like -1 inch
CRT are always a full inch smaller than their official size. TFT's dont have this, but still suck for fast games like quake or ET.
because of the 5 reaction?
read comment at the bottom
well yes, that might be true :/
LCD as a LCD doesnt have any harmfull radiation.
a normal screen does have that
picture quality is better on normal screen (ATM!) but LCD is getting better ;>
then buy a plasma screen

lcd is way healthier
arent they very expensive?
why did ya delete ur comment =((((((
because it was ununderstandable :D
but my reply was even more ununderstandable
Thats the main reason :p

Soz, was kinda messed up english. :P
+ the meaning was useless.
i prefer LCD nowadays. After you get used to the LCD you'll feel the same but 17 is to small should have gotten a 19"
doh i know.. i took it from my parent's work, they didnt need it, and my parents dont rly give a fuck about buying me a better one :P
i always said i would never ever buy an lcd, but ive got one for about 8 moths and i never ever gonna give it away now. its just 100% better than crt, and if you buy a good one > 8 ms then everything is alright
You mean < 8ms?
I challenge you to play Quake3 @ 125fps and tft next play it @125fps and 120hz crt. You will never touch a tft again in your life. Its like playing lowfps on a highspec pc :/
I'm limited to 60 Hz @ 1600x1200 on my LCD, compared to 140 Hz @ 1024x768 on my CRT. But the image quality is so much better on the LCD, that I actually prefer playing on that one. Well either that or it's because I'm too lazy to switch every time I want to play a FPS.
i smell the proud owner of iiyama visionmaster pro
i smell a retard!
Recent Comments:

i smell a retard!
17" is like a 5cm dick
hi not-junky
he thinks its real. thats why he says its fake. yeah. ok.
he knows me, so?
you appear intellectual
im really sorry for your braindamage.

plz, stop hurting ppls feeling on the internetz m8
i smell a retard ban!
i was referring to lagger-
Nah, it's a Samsung SyncMaster 1100DF
I just checked my highest Hz, it got 200 wtf?
200 hz in rmode 3 could be possible, mine does 160hz in rmode 3. The lower the resolution the higher the displayrefresh. I'm currently playing @ rmode6 120hz. No reason to go lower resolution and raise it above 120.

Also some dispays dont do their max settings by default, use ATI refreshfix and detect all the displaymodes your screen can handle. At first my visionmaster only did 100hz @ rmode6 but after the atirefreshfix it did 120hz, although the quality is slightly less compared to 100hz.

Anyway, use a displayrefresh equal or slightly higher than your fps. When using equal fps = hz you might experience tearing, this is why most ppl use 125hz - 120hz or 76fps- 85hz
I have it 768x1024, thats rmode 6 right?
+ i also have it on 60 atm, what should i do? and what higher hz does?
yeah, if you rotate it 90 degrees :P
go into ET and do r_displayrefresh
try these values untill you screen goes black
if it goes black, alt enter to go back to windows
and use a lower value

default refresh values:

You can use special refresh rates and rmodes, afaik overboost used to do this, but its a real bitch to get it working and you might blow your monitor. Just use default rmode's and displayrefresh.

What display are you using atm?
i dont realy want to change my hz unless i know waht it exactly does and why should put it on max :P
60 on screen, 75 disaplay @ cfg :s
displayrefresh = amount of frames being rendered on your monitor.
you want displayrefresh and fps to be as close together as possible. Higher displayrefresh will give you a smoother gameexperience, kinda like vsync but without the mouselag. Raising displayrefresh higher than fps will force certain frames to be drawn twice. Lower displayreresh will force frames to be dropped and althought they are being rendered (and in this way increase your mousereactiontime) they are not being displayed. Human eye can pick up 200 images a second btw :P
so i shall put disaplayfresh 125 and 125 maxfps?
as i said before 125hz 125fps will cause tearing. You will see two frames at the same time. A line in the middle of the screen shows you where the old frame stops and the new frame begins. Vsync could solve this but it causes mousedelay.

Vsync syncs fps with displayrefresh, so at 120hz you would be drawing 120fps, at 75hz 75fps etc. Unfortunatly it buffers the images before showing them which results in a 1second / 120fps delay or 1second / 75fps delay.

125hz isnt a default displayrate anyways. Just do com_maxfps 76 r_displayrefresh 75 and move your mouse from left to right and notice the irritating line which appears on your screen every second or so.

125fps - 120hz is the settings you should be aiming for as it will sync fps-display-mouse. Only a tiny amount of frames are being dropped (5), fps and mouserate are in sync (=the same amount of mouseinputs every frame) and because of the high fps you prolly have few neg accel.
ok.. i will try play witn 76 max fps, alltought i think its about too low for me.. but realy thx for the time
125fps - 120hz is the settings you should be aiming for as it will sync fps-display-mouse. Only a tiny amount of frames are being dropped (5), fps and mouserate are in sync (=the same amount of mouseinputs every frame) and because of the high fps you prolly have few neg accel.

76-75 was an example
that's so wierd... now highest i can put hz on is 75, it's like it disapeard or something, lol..
thats vsync aka synceveryframe

you can disable it in your drivers, which also forces it off in ET
look in the opengl section
I have maxfps 125 and 120hz and I don't have neg accel.
E: or was it where ppl should aim for?
125fps 120hz display 125hzmouse is what all pro quake players have been playing with for ages. Due to high fps you should have no neg accel, unless you use low sens with lets say 1600dpi.

125-120 is teh nice. You might want to increase the mouserate for smoother aiming and better track in ET. Only bad thing about 125fps in ET is that online your hits will sometimes register 1 serversnap later (125/2 = 63 maxpackets), but ET uses antilag so the effects should be neglidgable. Another 'bad' thing about 125fps is that the luger / sniper recoil is way higher. Although I only use it on pub, playing fps 71 considerably reduces recoil on sniper, although the feeling of you mouse will change when changing fps. Lower fps will make the mouse feel jerkier and feels a little faster. High fps makes mouse feel smoother and slower.

To go really off topic: CoD4 will use directX to render its frames, allowing ppl to use the good old UT directX mousehack :D

Go to your drivers and look in the directX options for 'prerenderlimit' aka 'frames to render ahead' aka 'flipqueuesize'. You might have to install some vid tweaker. Lower the value to 0 or 1 (default is 3) and feel how your mouse reacts realtime on your desktop (using directX) :P I have not been able to lower the prerenderlimit on opengl, i'm quiet confident you need a driver hack as the current driver code changes prerenderlimit to 2.
oh, yea. I actually have 1600dpi and still no neg accel :p but 71-76 fps with pistol is good solution, so kein problem.
Afaik you play high sens :P At least thats what it looks like xD

Try the prerenderlimit on your desktop. It is geil.
high sens? :D well, I dont know is 200 degrees/45cm very high sensitivity.
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