A Request.

I'm thinking about going to CDC3 but, it would be nice to know who else is going to the event that won't be playing at the LAN itself. This itself would be nice, so that if I do go, I get to meet everyone that I want to. Binge drinking sessions have to be planned you know!

Could some sort of sticky be made, where people can say if they intend to go or not? Maybe a list could just be added to the current sticky about CDC3?

It could maybe help some people organize some travel plans, accommodation and social events a bit better. Even if it's with a complete stranger, it's always nice bunking with someone in a hotel room to half the cost.
I'm mainly planning to go so that I can tea-bag TosspoT, for all the racial slurs he has aimed toward me and my people.
You mean calling you Nedro? 8D
He just jumped on the band-wagon, many others have called me that.
nice idea : )
beeing spectator, playing poker,visit pubs and coffeeshops. i guess im not alone.
Hey, I have the same intensions as you to go to CDC3 :o
cu there! :p
I don't know how to poker tho o,O
np there r enough who can teach ya. im noob too
i wouldnt rly want to be in a room with a pedro tbfh
Don't worry, I don't think they let 15 year olds into bars, even in Holland. ;D
Don't worry, we will sneak a hose out of the window connect to the beer-pump!
i dont drink!
Any administrators reading this? :-(
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