LCD's (help)

Yo folks,

Due the fact I have 2 LCD-monitors and one is not connected to any computer in my flat, I would like to run both monitors with one computer (multitasking)...
The problem is, that I don't have any clue how to run them both (both are connected to the computer, just one is working...)

Thx in advance for every solution, regards virtu...
get crt first
no thx, bibuy...
just activate the 2nd in the drivers :P
Depends on the drivers and gfx card ofc, but usually you can just go to display properties->settings and enable the 2rd monitor there.
GeForce 9500 LE + newest nVidia-drivers
virtu hardware expert
sup my fav-jew? 8[
gg @ gforce 9500 xD
I'm polish :'(

but I'll get a new one ^____________^
thing is.... there is no such thing gforce 9500 :> if its a 9500 its a radeon...
if you want to see the exact hardware you have download everest
it will list all your hardware and you will have a chance to learn a bit about it too :P so next time you get a PC the store wont fool you.
edit: excuse me, now i will go to play snooker on my own snooker table, MUAHAHAHAHAHA
edit2: dont download from the link i gave you, its an old version...
get this one instead
edit3: if you need a cdkey pmme ;)
well, gf7500 is not the best for sure.... but its enough for ET :P
true, 250fps on every map ngr :XD
k mr lies.... fact is over 125 connection starts to drop and you get lags but w/e :>
but now im rly going to play snooker... cya
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