
i tried something new, with a lot of layers this time. call of duty theme, 596x131.

image: TRY1

what do you think?

- EDIT ------------
what do you think of this one:

image: TRY2
i like it:)
Quote[02:20] <+Fasolka> good night :)

sweet dreams! :P
The COD one is really nice.
But the ET:QW isnt, it looks kind of empty in some way, so go with the same style as the COD one :)
haha :P get different opinions from everyone. one likes cod, the other likes etqw ^^
i like! now one of ET
nice job but I think it's a bit too crowded
like my underpants
take another font, this one doesnt fit in. Lift the font 2px up, use a layer design for the font and maybe even a 1-2px white stroke with low opacity. rest is quite nice :)
thanks for the advice :>
i dont like the face in the middle, rest is very nice
I like the collours, but like kv said; to crowded :>
very washy, no real subject. the 'f' in of is destroyed.

(because theres no point in saying zomg wow its amazing for the sake of it)
agree on the washy thing but that's mostly the idea. i still have to practice with making some pictures stand out to form a subject so thats why there is none :P

thx for the constructing critics
increase the opacity for 1 standout image, then change the blending mode to colour or linear burn, see how it turns out

e: the size and width of the text doesnt give you much space, try making it small and/or moving it around
i dont like using burns, its more the edges of the images that disturb me, thats why its so vague but its vague in a wrong way i guess...

already busy with my second try.
zomg wow amazing graphics xrio, you fuckin rule !!!!1!

and now your real opinion? would like to hear it...
I don't really like it. It's too vague, I really can't make anything out of it.
thx for giving your opinion! normally you don't seem to have much trouble with doing so...
Please don't flame.
im not flaming
I'm just saying, u know.
image: ssusuussg5
is better.
(c) mAZZiON
_too_ much of layers IMHO. Text is basic and the placement is boring. Pictures are blurry. unsharp mask or remove some blurry layers. anyhow keep on workin!
thx ill see what i can do to make them sharper :D
maybe it wasnt about sharpness, more something like blurry layer over the pics...

try 2 was better, but whats that horizontal line between text and machine on left? it would be better without that!

najs work anyhow
tried to make the red lights on the machine come back in the picture near the txt... didnt work out as i wanted but hey its just a try :P
i like the et:qw banner :>
stick to your usual stuff if im brutally honest, although the qw banner is actually quite decent
dont like the font that much, but rest is sexy ofc!
the cod one is ugly as hell but the QW is "ok"
images look crappy
make it a bit darker, its to light, and those stars look cheap and ugly

menso du arsch xD

that made me laugh
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