mousepad + glides combo

What is the best mousepad-glides combo at the moment?

I've had a Qpad and Glidz for a few years now, but they're worn out and I need something new.

Should I just get whatever's new at Qpad or what?
steelpad S&S + razer copperhead + razer glides
qpad ct + qpad glidz + msoft intellimouse explorer 3.0
:D:D::DD bestest mouze eva! fo sho
(what a nice choice there!)
haha idd :P although i wish it was possible to replace middle mouse button, it wears out for me after 2 months :(
mine was fine for about 2,5years but then the laser broke and now i am stuck on MX518 but i wish my ol' mouse back :'[
thats what happened to mine, then i got g5... then now im back to 3.0 thx to ^^
i like happy ends ;)
steelpad sx + mx518 + hyperglidez.
you are rich! :< i want that pad
qpad & localshop glides ftw
ulti-mat teflon and no glides (mx518 for a few days, coppearhead broke, and this slides like crazy!!!!)
I need glides lest the feet wears down
Makes a horrible noise
xtrac hybrid and hyperglides
ratpadz slicktapes (read some test too, cheap but very good)
+ everglide titan xxl (20€ 44cm.. just n1c3)
hyperglides + razer mantis speed
the more expensive , the better
no why is it so important , i just got a qpad with some tape around my mousefeet and i own like hell
actually u dont o.O
glass pad + decent optical mouse (mx300 310 500 510 518 g1 diamondback krait deathadder) + some more or less random glidz if you don't have teflon feet (+ to replace the old every 3 months because of the glass pad)
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