Virtural Dub

I can't get it to render at 200 frames. Any ideas?
render to your project fps, and then speed it up in the editing prog

(dont know how noob vegas takes avi files, but in afx you can import footage at 0.1 fps, and if the project is at 30 fps, it simply takes that avi file as 30 fps as well)
Get the latest Virtual dub. Old versions only go as high as 199...
MAX do you know if you have to set some setttings for virtual dub?

cause when i record @ 200 FPS (tga's) and want it in virtual dub it goes so slowwwwwww
Ctrl + R > Set framerate to 200.
Thanks. What's the latest version? 1.6.19?
I use 1.7.1 but haven't checked for any updates in a while.
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