cheaters solution?

as aeq wrote a journal about making hitboxes at the skys, a few mentioned it would be great idea, but some said that nc could code a better cheats, but i fyou still think about it, it's still worth to try it out..
1) if nc will make new cheats still i believe they will ask money for it, the world isnt that rich to UPGRADE their cheats...
2) if they will make / publish w/e free version of it, it wont be effectivly work on close range, where the bot aimes for the closes target, but think about long range, it could be very defficualt for cheaters to aim on distance since their crosshair will be pretty close to the skys...or they wont use cheats, will make it abit better x)
i do know my english sucks hardcore dankie balls ass, but blame me for trying to save something in this deadly game...

flame off :(

Quoteaeq wrote a journal about making hitboxes at the skys

quite a good idea if it can be worked out well...
with abit positive mind & patience, everything is possible, most of the time :x
dont get the point :`<
bots use hitboxes to aim, when on distance their crosshair is close to the skys, and when they shoot, the bot can hit the sky instad of the player's hitboxe, will confuse the bot + make a cheater player more obvious
LOL your english must suck hard if you REALLY UNDERSTOOD what he said
what the fuck you want from my english
nothing, its great :>
soz it was random flame, wont happen again
he said: im sory for my english.
aimbotters could use aimfov 1 or 2 anyway i guess, it will only aim like 1 fov or degree or whatever the fuck it is away from the crosshair
how is this usefull with wallhack?
fuck wallhack, if we manage to cripple the aimbot we can think after that about wallhack...
but i think the bigger part of the cheaters use wallhack
aimbot is anyway too obvious
Todays aimbots are extremely hard to spot. I dont know if hitboxes in the sky could work or not, but it should be investigated further.

*also read in that other journal that you could place axis/allied bodies inside the walls, this would make it harder for wallhack-users if they are placed at good spots like corners etc. I dont know how much more time it would take to load a map with some bodies inside the walls however...
This idea makes no sense.
rather try then cry
hm if reya1p says so, i will believe :(
wtf nice idea...!
why not...
the idea is totally flawed and won't work and who would implement it? we can't change shit :(
Ofcourse this idea isn't gonna work. This idea can only work with ppl that have a high aimfov (in other words, area to cover for the aimbot). High aimfov can be spotted by the human eye so it's useless to implement hitboxes in the sky for something we can spot ourselves easily.

The ones that aren't so easy to spot have a very low aimfov and humanaim on, and those sky hitboxes will not change a damned thing for that.
a time delayed (say 50ms) hitbox behind every player could when the player moves the ghost hitbox follows but slightly delayed.
haha we think the same XD

So do you know for a fact that aimbots aim at invisible hit boxes and not at models, or do you want these "ghosts" to be visible? :P
Quoteas aeq wrote a journal about making hitboxes at the skys

I must be missing something...maps have players floating round in the sky? i'll have to look next time...
Imo the way to stop cheats is by stopping any DLL injection method on the ET.exe process. There are such programs available (check and )but it seems such thing is pretty fucking hard to code ( ) A powerfull enough company like punkbuster should focus some efforts into this direction.
I like the idea :)
i like it the idea and pandas!
pb powerfull? have you taken a look @ their crew? freelancers, hobos and hobbyists only
linux and most open source software has been developed by "hobos". sometimes dedication is usefull, you know? and anyway, yes, pb from a technical point of view, is a much more powerfull organisation than any crossfire organised team would be anytime soon. i kinda doubt we'll see microsoft or even kerio making anti-cheat solutions for a change.
then explain why it sucks so much and this guy hendr1ck I just say lol wtf
it's because they chose not to make an anticheat for etpro, but for et. it they made it for etpro, it would do some nice memory checks and hopefully would detect more cheats. and investing that much time for a game that's free, is indeed not worthed for them.

let's leave it the way it is. no software is perfect, no matter how good it's programmers are.
I think they are afraid of losing to the cheatcoders itc. If they are so good I wonder why they didn't get the big games then and I realy doubt they are stupid enought to not see the benefits they could gain from et.

And I wonder why they do update sometimes that realy don't help anything if they realy don't give a bum.
are there any demos of humanized aimbots? I know those lousy ones but I have never seen a good one.
I think you answered your question yourself.
aimbots don't use server hitboxes. i mean, some aimbots GENERATE hitboxes to what a cheat THINKS is serverside, but hitboxes aren't sent to client from server

talking about bodies inside walls, erm.. every cheat has a visibility check so it won't aim at things behind walls.. plus, even if you put random body/head models to visible places, a cheat won't aim at it.. i'm not gonna explain why not, but it won't

EDIT: in fact, i will explain why.
if cheats wouldn't make is-head-model-part-of-a-valid-player checks, then they would aim at heads of dead corpses, but they don't. this would be the same.. everything is checked before it's taken as a valid head target
you have any suggenstions? your seems to be quite experience in that...
he is the creator of nexus you noob xD
answer my question down there :>
is rivatuner allowed?
i dont understand that so called "sky"-thingy, what is it?
idea (bad): creating "hitboxes" in the sky so aimbots aim at them

read my reply.. it's useless
well, you know well about cheats... do you have any suggestions?
or dont you want to place them here? (would be understandable :/)
would like to see the opinions from an experienced insider :)
i'm not gonna post 'real' suggestions here

but.. every mod should have it's own anticheat. if etpro's IAC was still developped and updated properly, there would be less cheats. you could run servers with punkbuster disabled.. it's useless anyway. you probably noticed that punkbuster releases updates to their clients once in few months.. making a cheat undetected again after an update happend takes... very few time, sometimes a few minutes :)

pb really isn't way to go.. it sucks and it simply fails in some aspects.. for example, if you know what i'm talking about: punkbuster can't beat cgame-hacks, it simply can't detect them. their current detection methods suck, very much.

i could send you a hack which only modifies cgame_mp_x86.dll with many many features and as long as punkbuster doesent get it, it will be undetected.. basically forever (unless they improve their methods, but due to the big amount of custom mods ET has, i really doubt PB will ever start checking cgame module)

the only case where they can detect such hacks is, like i mentioned, when they get hack files and run them. still they can't detect the way it works and therefore detect every other hack using same method.. all they do, is detect that specific version. take nexus versions for example, it works on such a way. after you connect to a server, the only thing that is hacked is MOD, not ET.exe module. no anti-pb code was added between nexus versions.. newer versions simply were undetected eventhough they used exactly the same methods as previous detected versions
well, i'm not going to comment this, for i'm not a coder and am not able to let a program do much more than say "hello world", but anyway, i think i mainly understood what you said, and i think it was interesting :)
thx for sharing your knowledge :)
maybe just do the job and create a program which is MUST-USE and disables everything (every user process) except ET + VENT / TS + IRC (and G-15 keyboards?) and ET + IRC + TS @ linux?
afaik someone, some time ago told that there was a similiar soft for some other game. dunno which, dunno when, dunno who. Maybe TosspoT, maybe not.

I have been investigating this method for a couple of days now, and it hasn't proved usefull (although with some advanced windows hooking it might work tho)

Since a hack is a dll injected into et.exe, if you start the cheat first, by the time you start the anticheat, all traces will be gone, and no other process will be running.

I have found several means of identifying et running with nexus fusen edition, but i'm afraid they might not prove consistent with other cheats. When I say other cheats, I mean both present and future. Suppose present cheats would be seen by this means, but the cheat creators would find easy ways of fooling these methods.
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