
who plays new ladder? i have a 640 mf sorc :>
me and my friends play in it @ hamachi :X

im very high lvl idd ~!~

i was level 99 amazon with wind fury
I play non ladder, since I couldn't play new ladder active at start 8<
i have a pala lvl 96 with hoto enigma zakarum shako and warbell and some other good items ;) 2 stone of jordans hehe wanna play :D i do hell baal alone hehe
i have low soso 64 lvl, ~100 mf, low items after reset, started playing 2 days ago...
mu online > diablo 2 =o
Spirea, Sanda, DaNoNe, Nils, me and i think also beasty
[ger]der esel zuletzt?[/ger]
[ger] ich wusste nicht ob er nun spielt oder nicht, deswegen alle bei dennen es sicher ist ... stehen als erstes und ich hab mich als letztes davon genannt ;) [/ger]
good job :D
yep, so true mate :)
u called me mate!!!!! can i have ur cfg?
sure, but i m not so good as you are :)))
i was have a 96 cold sorc with 1000+ mf, 7x shako, 2x enigma and hoto, 3 tr sets and 1 ik set and some runes, but im not playing this game for 6 month now, booooring
Yes ok, lets see. I had 400+ hrs? 15 engima. 7 hoto (atleast). 8 CoH. 1 hoj, 1 dragon. 5GA 200ED widomaker. 37life pc. torch on every mule on 4 accounts, 10 anni. and the list goes on, you are pro my friend :DDDDDDDD
mrX säger:
u forgot
mrX säger:
3 botd
mrX säger:
coa perfect 2 ber
Sebastian säger:
ye ofc,
mrX säger:
cta perfect
mrX säger:
mrX säger:
mrX säger:
zaka eth zod
mrX säger:
196 perc
mrX säger:
40 pc skilelr
mrX säger:

mrX säger:
3 exile
mrX säger:
mrX säger:
the list go on

Mrx wants to remain unknown due to him being lame.
i had better items, just didn't write about them :)
aha and how could u get 1000+ mf tell me plz
i had a ist-only sorc + perfect nagels and amul, perfect shoes, gloves and belt (forgot the name) + many many charms
84 Hammerdin and a 83 Orb Sorc 4 mf
Oh and btw someone plays offladder and wants a level 97 amazon ? Oh because i have one and Im not playing offladder.
I HAD an Amazon with penetration and guided arrow. Imba? Sure. Sucks they fixed it. :D
me and sanda got together 95 hammerdin, 94 blizz sorc, 93 hammerdin, 90 orb sorc, 86 bo/item finder barb, 81 smiter, 77 lightning sorc, 30 life tapper necro and lots of other chars...
(all got their items on)

Sanda got eni,hoto,maras,shako,soj,bk5,cta3,arach,zaka 5+ pc sks on his hammah
I got some naab stuff only like tal set etc... but I got nw15, 2sojs, eni, df22, blizz ormus 15 cold, snowclash/arach, 5 cold sk with life and 5 without etc for my coming PvP sorc :P

ps. I need a GOOD DF offer hrs!
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