constant lags...

EDIT: Installed ZoneAlarm and fixed every bit of my lag. Perfect 35 ping constant on ALIS server and 0 packetloss.

ok i know this has been posted quite a few times but...

Eversince I installed ETQuakeshit and them pbstra.exe and pbstrb.exe were put into my task manager I get lag every 2 seconds... like so...


Now I close the pbstra.exe and pbstrb.exe in taskmanager EVERY TIME and I havnt played ETQW for about 3 weeks (so the .exe's havnt been opened) and I still fucking LAG?

wtf is this guys :o plz help! (btw this is EVERY server)
ask zerender!
he also has a ngr in his backyard... but read it yourself:
first few comments
its my normal lagometer? isnt that good?
now u know why they call u unhitable
i was only kidding psst
Parent :)
i dont think you need to be logged in hah
wow im a jew and i dont get that on european servers
im Mr HittableJew
-Being the first jew in Leokino's buddylist XD

its not wrong... maybe its a lie but its NOT, certainly NOT
HA! what you going to say now!
ISP problem? :s
pro gaming career over? :<
virus imo. format!
Think you are right but for now...

Installed ZoneAlarm and fixed every bit of my lag. Perfect 35 ping constant on ALIS server and 0 packetloss.
i get 16 ping on isr serverz :f
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