Wierd dreams

In the first dream me and a couple of friends were planing on ruening a dam, but to succed with that we had to change some bolts. When our work finaly was put in place, this so called dam, was transformed into a huge air mill, that worked in same way as a fan. Slowly started spinning, and we had to run infront of it, to not get smashes into pieaces, like 100 meter up in the air.

I think I fell down, cause all of the suddenly I was drivng a car, crashed with it, flew out of the window, high up in the air, and landed somewhere far out in the water. And it was these really beautiful beaches, totally deserted.
However in the water I just fell and fell, like through different floors of water, and I remember the panic of the water never ending.
I passed by alot of dead people, laying in the water, but eventually I came to the buttom floor, which was half filled with water. It was a whole lot disgusting things there, plus some huuuge water spiders hunting me ;X

I think they got me in the end ;S Mightnot sound very horrible but I still got that creaping feeling from the dream ;X
uhmmmmmmmmm you need help! :<
stop drinking:P
damn i thought u had some super-sexual-wet-dreams or something :(
not even anyway near my wierd dreams :F guess i gotta go see some psychologist :) but nice dream you had there :P
I read somewhere that dreaming about death in different ways is a sign of stress.

Could be true!
you should take care of youreslf more Sweetie:(
I usualy dream about cutting up people, usualy people I know, and then eat their intestines, I enjoy every bit of it.

What could that mean?
We all know you're not as every other kid, np.
i had not dream today:(
so what ! :D

if i wanna see dead ppl i will just go to the arabs place and watch XD :~>
you make me sad:(
sad like sad panda? :~<
or just a normal sad dude :~>
just like sad girl, nothing more
so my work here is done !

you can go to home already^^
I know the falling part . I had that few years ago . I was in a never-ending corridor and just kept falling down like somehow inbetween the siderails to the never-coming bottom. I was pretty fucking scared. Fortunatly my alarm waked me up. But I think I had been falling for most of my sleep "time".
don't you wake up when falling in a dream
Just before you reach the bottom . That's usually for me .
i sometimes dream im cycling down a hill with my bike and at the end of the hill there is a highway with lots of cars driving very fast. then i come nearer and nearer and i wanna stop, but it doesn't work and i'm going faster and faster. when i hit the first car i wake up :D
but it's great, gives me great adrenalin shock :)
i don't have much dreams tbh, but my girlfriend is like "Sleep-changing"...well not really walking around and stuff, but she turns on the light telling me some wierd shit (like "do u see the man with the green had over there?" or "no don't kill the cat!") and turns it of again...sometimes like 5times per night... really makes me mad sometimes :D
Sucks to be you :D
she even punched me one time :/
Maybe you should concider buying a new one.

no I didnt mean a girlfriend, I meant a lamp. You could buy one of those that gives an electric chock
nice idea ! :D
come one guys, just say CARE like you allways do.

oh wait its a girl.. ye act very differently
/me throws sikota human behaviour for newbies.

ofcourse males react different to females and vica versa.
haha well its just funny : ) but thanks for trowing me something
nothing funny about it.. that's just the way things work between males and females.
thanks for these words of wisdom, maybe when im around 40 I too understand:)
your welcome, and thank you for the demeaning reference to my age.
stop hanging with fasolka cuz her engirsh is rubbing off on you. ;-)
Talking to me or someone else? : )
you.. check your journal again.
I have been on vacation almost for the past month, and I haven't used my english that much during the summer, so I am a bit rosty :D
Besides, my english have always been crap !
buuuuuuuuu my english is uber pro!
As long as it doesn't involve naked pictures, buzzzzz off!
But wait, if there's naked pictures, that's a diffrent story.
your naked pics would be the horror part probably
Not relevant at all, but I know you were just looking for a reason to flame me.
you're the one starting about nude pictures, where's the relevancy in that?
I didn't start about naked pictures, learn to read. I said unless this involved some naked pictures she had to buzzzzz off.

And you start talking about my naked pictures, so yes that's completely irrelevant and only to flame.

Now you can buzzz off as well.
you mentioned naked pictures, that's enough :P but why so defensive? :P
It's an inbuild automatism these days, most people just flame me so I'm starting to reply automatically defensive <o/
it's the reason i rarely ever check xfire, people here are mostly annoying stupid fucks anyway ;p
awake dreams are the shiz
it means:

don't mess with dams, they're lethal...
drugs dont do good
dont eat cheese before u fall asleep
I blame the wine last night, seems as an easy solution.
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