LAN Help

Every tuesday I go to a local place where me and Wales 9 others play ET (usually 5v5 SW) but they're all low skillers so I get bored playing like 2v8 or 1v9 (hrhr)
I tried connecting to servers online but nothing shows up, Is there any thing I need to get the server admin to sort out so I can play online?
Update ET maybe?
I'm looking on updating it tonight, the server admin is being a twat though at the moment saying 'try this tonight, if it dont' work I'll log-in as administrator and turn deep freeze etc off'
maybe server cfg is old et, had same at last lan
are you sure the inet ports aren't blocked?
Everything else for the internet works (minus ET) not tried any other games though
this is really stupid, but are you sure you're not blocking servers through ET's own filters?
yea, filter on lan mby :D
No i'm not :P
oki, just thought i might suggest it just in case :D
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