
For those who enjoyed my last column (not the steelseries one currently on the columns list) which was linked in the You got the power by Shakes, ie Rise of the scene journalist.

I've written a concise piece on the dangers of gaming businesses employing appeasement as a tactic to "fight" against mass media and politicians, of which may be of interest for a general read.

Small extract

"Generally consumers and gamers are the ones on the wrong end of things when it comes to big business. The needs of business and the rights and desires of consumers are often conflicting, and evidently business usually “wins”. For the benefit of gaming as a medium and a competitive platform however, companies need to learn that appeasement isn't the answer."

You can find the full piece here, hope you enjoy and thanks.
The needs of big business are not against the needs of the gamer, they're against the needs of the competetive gamer. Capatilism is the ultimate form of democracy, it's just a shame that people are idiots.
But sock, if the businesses only knew the type of game they could create with a little thought an effort! Oh how we would rejoice and orgasm!
But random peon! You are not the majority, and you will never be, competetive gaming is a niche, and as such will never draw the attention of big business. The best we can hope is that the CPL game will be worthy of our attention.
Oh sock, I love you!
Oh, how I despise you, random peon!
Doesn't this mean we're kind of crazy?
I suppose, but crazy comes in shades, and we're on the lighter end of the spectrum. Besides, life's boring if you're not just a little bit insane.
But if everyone's insane, it ceases to be insanity! Or are we insane in different ways? And then does it still not become normal, and thus not insanity?
I've met some who are insane, and trust me we are not. At best, we are eccentric, a novelty in this mundane world! I suppose, though, in the midst of such off beat culture, we are nothing but a side show. The adverts before the main act.
But what are we advertising?
The benefits of psychiatric help, I think.
I can't trust what you think, if you're insane, if we're insane.
But you can't trust anything, can you? On the internet, in real life, it could all be a lie, people aren't always what they tell you they are, or what they appear to be. People usually think I'm sane!
They do! But if others think something, is it not their reality, is not that reality all that matters?
It is their reality, but it is not our truth. It's truth to them, but not to us. Which truth matters the most?
In ourselves? Our own truth matters the most! But then, their truths affect us, in all manner of ways, so they are important.
Perhaps it is important to be truthful then! Represent ourselves correctly. It is the truths of others about themselves which are of no importance to us.
You must have no job. =D
Hush, he's schizophrenic.
Well considering how enclosed the majority of gamers are. Gamers = competitive gamers, and it's as simple as that. :P
Enclosed by what? And what of casual gamers? They are not competetive in our sense. They would grow bored of Quake or ET, the learning curve is too high - And when you lower the learning curve, which is what most companies do to improve sales, you lower the possibility there is for skill to develop, and thus end up with shitty games.

I must get back to myself now.
Enclosed by their own narrow mind, about how small the gaming world is. If it isn't [insert your game here] then they don't care. Counter strike players are very guilty of this.
If something doesn't affect me, I don't see why I should give a shit. Gamers is a general term, but it isn't all inclusive and it certainly shouldn't be thought of as a united community; they share common ground, but they are not the same.
Why would I need friends when I have myself? I'm more interesting than you, I know that much.
I'm the scatmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
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